Presentation 1: Drinking Water Microbiology 102 Bacteriology. The understanding of microorganisms has led to the many advancements in water treatment and the birth of the federal drinking water program. This presentation will explain how microbiologist use certain laboratory techniques to enumerate and study bacteria in drinking water. The presentation will delve into how the water matrix, sample collection and laboratory processing can impact the bacterial counts and recovery. (Presentation by Laura Boczek, EPA’s Office of Research and Development)
Presentation 2: Microbes 102: Evaluation and Approval of Methods Used to Analyze Drinking Water. This presentation is a follow up to the 2020 presentation “Microbes 101.” The presentation provides an overview of the method review and approval processes of the federal drinking water regulatory program. It will describe how to locate the methods approved under each National Primary Drinking Water Regulation, how to obtain a copy of an approved method, and the different types of methods EPA approves. (Presentation byJennifer Best, EPA’s Office of Water)