Webinar | SAFER Risk Assessment Webinar on Thresholds, Weighting and Scoring

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This webinar will provide an opportunity for interested parties to learn about and contribute to the State Water Board’s approach to developing a more robust Risk Assessment for public water systems that aligns with the goals of the Human Right to Water. The State Water Board is seeking feedback on proposed thresholds, weights, and scoring approaches for recommended risk indicators. This webinar is the fourth in a series of webinars the State Water Board is hosting in 2020 to solicit feedback on developing the Risk Assessment. Visit the SAFER website to access previous webinar recordings, presentation materials, and white papers, and to learn more about this effort: https://www.waterboards.ca.gov/safer/calendar.html AGENDA: 1. Overview of Needs Assessment and Risk Assessment 2. Proposed thresholds for risk indicators and weighting and scoring recommendations for Risk Assessment 2.0

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