Webinar | Budgeting Analysis & Rate Setting Part 1/2

Webinar Only

This course is now offered as an online training. It is recommended to take both parts on the same day.  Part 1 will take place from 10:00am to 12:00pm and Part 2 will take place from 2:00pm to 4:00pm. Please follow the links below to register for each part separately.  If you are a board member, manager, or operator, it is important to understand the budgeting process and what it means for you. Budgets impact our daily work and understanding how to build them, analyze them, and use them to plan can shape our systems. Understanding the budget allows us to maximize resources and justify our rates, especially when an increase in rates is necessary. Participants will learn: Evaluate budget and financial indicators Develop a prioritized capital improvement plan Create a budget to sustain that CIP Use these tools to determine revenue needs Set rates in California


Webinar | Leveraging Regional Development Organizations to Support Small Water Systems

Webinar Only

Regional Development Organizations (RDOs), known locally as councils of governments, regional planning commissions, economic development districts, and other names, provide various types of assistance to their member communities in a host of service areas. During this webinar, you will hear how two RDOs in North Carolina and Nebraska are working with local municipalities to support water and wastewater systems.  During this webinar, you will learn how these organizations work with small local municipalities on asset inventory for water systems infrastructure, collaborate on projects that enhance economic development and quality of life, coordinate with state and federal partners, and much more. Presenters:  - Liz Cody, Community Development Specialist, Southeast Nebraska Development District - Jean Crews-Klein, Regional Planning Director, Lumber River Council of Governments (North Carolina) - Brett Schwartz, Associate Director, NADO Research Foundation (Washington, DC)


Webinar | Budgeting Analysis & Rate Setting Part 2/2

Webinar Only

This course is now offered as an online training. It is recommended to take both parts on the same day.  Part 1 will take place from 10:00am to 12:00pm and Part 2 will take place from 2:00pm to 4:00pm. Please follow the links below to register for each part separately.  If you are a board member, manager, or operator, it is important to understand the budgeting process and what it means for you. Budgets impact our daily work and understanding how to build them, analyze them, and use them to plan can shape our systems. Understanding the budget allows us to maximize resources and justify our rates, especially when an increase in rates is necessary. Participants will learn: Evaluate budget and financial indicators Develop a prioritized capital improvement plan Create a budget to sustain that CIP Use these tools to determine revenue needs Set rates in California


Webinar | AB54 & AB240: Ethics for Mutual Water Company Board Members

Webinar Only

By law, all mutual water board members are required to have two hours of ethics training within six months of taking office and every six years following. This training is designed to provide system longevity and help ensure that board members meet their legal responsibilities. Required training topics include conflicts of interest, fiduciary responsibilities, Safe Drinking Water Act compliance, long-term management and capital improvement planning. We will also cover the AB240 requirements, which affect mutual water systems as of January 1, 2014. This workshop allows mutual water systems to comply with this new regulation and helps prepare them to better govern their water company. This workshop meets the legal requirement for board members ethics training under AB54. Participants will learn: Requirements of AB54 and AB240 Financial conflicts of interest to avoid About strategic planning Financial responsibilities Capital improvement planning How to comply with the Safe Drinking Water Act

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