Webinar | Distribution System Operation & Maintenance Part 1/2

Webinar Only

This course is now offered as an online training. It is recommended to take both parts on the same day.  Part 1will take place from 10:00am to 12:00pm and Part 2 will take place from 2:00pm to 4:00pm. Please follow the links below to register for each part separately.  Your only licensed operator has just left town due to a family emergency and handed you the phone number of a certified operator in the next town. Will the substitute operator know how your system works and what needs to be done daily to keep it safe and in compliance? A properly prepared Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Plan is one of a water purveyor’s most important documents. The O&M Plan is a “living” document that explains how a public water system is to be operated and maintained on a day-to-day basis to ensure public health, safety, and compliance with applicable regulations. In addition to being an important training tool for new staff, the O&M manual serves as a practical handbook by which a qualified substitute operator can operate and maintain the system in a safe and reliable manner in absence of the system’s primary operator. Participants will learn: The vital elements that comprise an O&M […]


Webinar | Distribution System Operation & Maintenance Part 2/2

Webinar Only

This course is now offered as an online training. It is recommended to take both parts on the same day.  Part 1will take place from 10:00am to 12:00pm and Part 2 will take place from 2:00pm to 4:00pm. Please follow the links below to register for each part separately.  Your only licensed operator has just left town due to a family emergency and handed you the phone number of a certified operator in the next town. Will the substitute operator know how your system works and what needs to be done daily to keep it safe and in compliance? A properly prepared Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Plan is one of a water purveyor’s most important documents. The O&M Plan is a “living” document that explains how a public water system is to be operated and maintained on a day-to-day basis to ensure public health, safety, and compliance with applicable regulations. In addition to being an important training tool for new staff, the O&M manual serves as a practical handbook by which a qualified substitute operator can operate and maintain the system in a safe and reliable manner in absence of the system’s primary operator. Participants will learn: The vital elements that comprise an O&M […]

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