Webinar | Recruitment & Retention

Webinar Only

This course Recruitment & Retention is offered two times on the same day, attendees ONLY need to register once to take this course.  Your water operator, office staff or manager has just given their notice and they are moving on to another job. They have been there for years and know the system history, where all the (hidden) valves/meters are, and developed relationships with all entities required to manage or operate a public water system. The powers that be (local government and/or management) may be wondering, “What could we have done to prevent this employee from seeking other employment?” and “How do we go about hiring someone to replace this valuable resource?” This workshop will utilize the trainer’s and participant’s experiences to explore these conundrums. Participants will learn: About advertising, interviewing and hiring of water system managers, office staff and operators The resources available to assist with hiring good people About budgeting to acquire and retain competent staff How to use staff evaluations to help with retention longevity How to retain excellent staff (hint, it’s not always about the money!)  


Webinar | Recruitment & Retention

Webinar Only

This course Recruitment & Retention is offered two times on the same day, attendees ONLY need to register once to take this course.  Your water operator, office staff or manager has just given their notice and they are moving on to another job. They have been there for years and know the system history, where all the (hidden) valves/meters are, and developed relationships with all entities required to manage or operate a public water system. The powers that be (local government and/or management) may be wondering, “What could we have done to prevent this employee from seeking other employment?” and “How do we go about hiring someone to replace this valuable resource?” This workshop will utilize the trainer’s and participant’s experiences to explore these conundrums. Participants will learn: About advertising, interviewing and hiring of water system managers, office staff and operators The resources available to assist with hiring good people About budgeting to acquire and retain competent staff How to use staff evaluations to help with retention longevity How to retain excellent staff (hint, it’s not always about the money!)  

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