Webinar | Developing and Keeping Utility Personnel Part 1

Webinar Only

Workforce development is one of the most important reasons given for entering and leaving occupations. As we see an increased demand for qualified operators, are we doing enough to develop our workforce?  Participants will learn: Workforce development and its importance for their system  How to identify one or more tools the system can utilize to form current and future operators How to utilize the system budget to plan to staff development and support  The recommended audience includes managers, operators, and boards. 


Developing and Keeping Utility Personnel Part 2

Webinar Only

Workforce development is one of the most important reasons given for entering and leaving occupations. As we see an increased demand for qualified operators, are we doing enough to develop our workforce?  Participants will learn: Workforce development and its importance for their system  How to identify one or more tools the system can utilize to form current and future operators How to utilize the system budget to plan to staff development and support  The recommended audience includes managers, operators, and boards.


Webinar | The Balancing Act of Water & Agriculture in California

Webinar Only

The agriculture industry in California is pivotal not only to state residents, but also to the entire country at large. According to the California Department of Food and Agriculture, over a third of the vegetables in the US come from California, as well as two-thirds of the nation's fruits and nuts. Without this state’s agriculture industry, many of the produce and dairy we have grown accustomed to having year-round would increasingly be in short supply. At the same time, however, more than 40% of California’s water is used by the agriculture industry. This pressure on the state’s water supply contributes to drought, exacerbates climate change, and impacts regional and state economies, particularly during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. At the local level, water allocation to agriculture may compete with community resources. The right to safe and affordable drinking water continues to be unrealized for rural and immigrant farmworker communities, even as they continue to perform essential work in our economy and feed our communities. In this upcoming WELL Webinar, The Balancing Act of Water & Ag in California, we bring together experts in the agriculture industry from a variety of regions--from the Delta to the Central and Coachella Valleys--to discuss the […]

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