Webinar | Hydrant Installation

Webinar Only

This course Hydrant Installation is offered two times on the same day, attendees ONLY need to register once to take this course. A crucial part of any Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) is to follow through and complete tasks planned. One of these tasks is the replacement and/or installation of new fire hydrants. This workshop will outline the steps necessary to install wet barrel and dry barrel fire hydrants. This includes the initial planning, the financial planning, the installation itself and steps that may need to be taken upon completion of the installation. Participants will learn: The CIP overview Planning for fire hydrant installation Fire hydrant installation Recommended steps to follow upon completion of new hydrant installation


Webinar | Hydrant Installation

Webinar Only

This course Hydrant Installation is offered two times on the same day, attendees ONLY need to register once to take this course. A crucial part of any Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) is to follow through and complete tasks planned. One of these tasks is the replacement and/or installation of new fire hydrants. This workshop will outline the steps necessary to install wet barrel and dry barrel fire hydrants. This includes the initial planning, the financial planning, the installation itself and steps that may need to be taken upon completion of the installation. Participants will learn: The CIP overview Planning for fire hydrant installation Fire hydrant installation Recommended steps to follow upon completion of new hydrant installation


SAFER Summer Series: Kick-Off and Community Presentations

Webinar Only

The SAFER Summer Series is part of the California State Water Resources Control Board’s Safe and Affordable Funding for Equity and Resilience (SAFER) program. The SAFER program is designed to ensure that Californians who lack safe and affordable drinking water receive it as quickly as possible. Interpretation services are available for the SAFER Summer Series! If you need interpretation services, please email SAFER@waterboards.ca.gov or call 916.445.5615 at least 10 business days before the event. All events are open to the public and registration is not required.

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