DWR | Water Use Efficiency Standards and SB X7-7 2020 Conservation Target Requirements

Webinar Only

The Department of Water Resources (DWR) Water Use Efficiency Branch will hold a meeting on Friday, November 12, 2021, 1PM – 4PM to inform stakeholders on an approach to compare the objective based total water use calculated using water use standards against the SB X7-7 2020 water conservation targets as directed by the legislation (California Water Code Section 10609.2. (d)). DWR staff and technical team will present the tool that was developed for this intended purpose.  In addition, there will also be a presentation on the Guidelines and Methodologies that DWR is preparing on how an urban retail water supplier calculates its urban water use objective (California Water Code Section 10609.16).   During the meeting, DWR will solicit feedback from workgroup members and interested parties on both subjects. Agenda and meeting materials will be available ahead of the meeting.   Registration is required:  https://csus.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_zPxlA_EKR5CxXx_YJwiR_Q

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