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CalWARN 101 Webinar: The Basics for CalMutual Members

Webinar Only

CalWARN 101 Webinar: The Basics for CalMutual Members  SB 552 (Hertzberg) requires small water suppliers with 15 to 2,999 connections to maintain membership with CalWARN or a similar mutual aid organization by January 1, 2023 as part of an overall initiative to strengthen drought resiliency. Join us for an informational webinar to learn more about this requirement and what CalWARN offers.  Register today: https://caomwc.wildapricot.org/event-4960892

RCAC: Budgeting for Small Water Systems

Webinar Only

Description: In order to remain viable, all public water systems need to acquire and manage sufficient financial resources to achieve and maintain compliance with regulatory requirements. One primary tool to become and remain viable is developing and maintaining a comprehensive budget. This workshop will show board members, managers and operators how to develop a budget, identify revenues and expenses, methods to balance the budget and how to review a budget comparison report on a regular basis. Participants will learn: How to prepare a budget How to identify revenue and expenses How to identify fiscal policies to assist in balancing the budget How to review the budget comparison report on a regular basis Recommended audience: directors, board members and managers of mutual water companies.

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