Webinar | PA Workplace Safety Committee Certification Training

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 Online Webinar -  Available to members with CalMutuals JPRIMA Worker's Compensation insurance only.   This safety committee certification training webinar meets the requirements set by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and can help improve your safety program.   During this training we’ll discuss: The PA Workplace Safety Committee Certification Program requirements How to lead and operate a productive safety committee meeting How to identify workplace hazards and reduce work-related employee injury and illness How to conduct effective workplace incident investigations To learn more or sign up:  Visit TheZenith.com, scroll down to Zenith Solution Center You can also contact us at 800-440-5020 or email ecommerce@thezenith.com

Building Resilience and Adapting to Climate Change Impacts: CREAT Training for Northern Great Plains Climate Region

Webinar Only

The “Building Resilience and Adapting to Climate Change Impacts for Drinking Water and Wastewater Utilities” webinar series will provide training to the Northern Great Plains climate region (MT, WY, ND, SD, NE) in October and November 2021. The four sessions focus on EPA’s  Climate Resilience Evaluation and Awareness Tool, as well as the financing of adaptation options.  

EPA Community Workshop | Community Water System Emergency Response Plans

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The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 9 is hosting a free two-session virtual workshop to assist community (drinking) water systems (CWSs) in Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, Tribal Nations, and the Pacific Islands with developing or updating Emergency Response Plans (ERPs) in accordance with America’s Water Infrastructure Act of 2018 (AWIA) Section 2013(b). AWIA Section 2013(b) requires CWSs serving more than 3,300 people to develop or update ERPs that incorporates the findings of their risk and resilience assessment. CWSs serving fewer than 3,300 people are also welcome to attend. This workshop will provide a broad overview of the requirements and the new EPA ERP Template and Instructions that will assist water utilities with developing an ERP in accordance with AWIA Section 2013(b). The virtual workshop will also provide more detailed information on specific response areas such as cybersecurity. More information about AWIA Section 2013(b) compliance is available at https://www.epa.gov/waterresilience/awia-section-2013. To register for the workshop, please go to: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcpcOmpqjkrG9THxEGOhMiCvrx2Wlle8KGA. For more information you can also contact:  Bria Crawford, EPA; 202-564-9553; crawford.bria@epa.gov Will Keefer, Horsley Witten Group; 508-833-6600; wkeefer@horsleywitten.com


Water Meter Efficiency Testing and AWWA Water Audits

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Water systems throughout North America use the American Water Works Association (AWWA) Water Audit software to evaluate water supply and distribution system performance and revenue recovery. This presentation will provide an overview of the AWWA water audit process and highlight the importance of quantifying customer meter inaccuracies, including how these inaccuracies contribute to lost revenue. Quantifying meter inaccuracies requires testing of both source and consumption meters. The presentation will discuss how to select water meters for testing and apply results to an overall meter population. Replacing inaccurate meters can increase revenue that supports new capital improvement projects.   Presenters: John Heltzel, EPA Region 9, Environmental Finance Center at Sacramento State’s Office of Water Programs  Who Should Attend:  •  Managers, owners, and operators of small water systems serving less than 10,000 people •  Decision-makers for water utilities, including mayors, finance officers, utility managers, public works directors, city councilors, board members, tribal council members, and clerks •  Consultants and technical assistance providers serving water systems If you require a certificate: Each viewer must register and attend individually, and participate for the entire duration of the webinar. We cannot provide certificates to individuals watching the webinar as a group. 


Webinar | Water Meter Efficiency Testing and AWWA Water Audits

Webinar Only

Water systems throughout North America use the American Water Works Association (AWWA) Water Audit software to evaluate water supply and distribution system performance and revenue recovery. This presentation will provide an overview of the AWWA water audit process and highlight the importance of quantifying customer meter inaccuracies, including how these inaccuracies contribute to lost revenue. Quantifying meter inaccuracies requires testing of both source and consumption meters. The presentation will discuss how to select water meters for testing and apply results to an overall meter population. Replacing inaccurate meters can increase revenue that supports new capital improvement projects.   Presenters: John Heltzel, EPA Region 9, Environmental Finance Center at Sacramento State’s Office of Water Programs  Who Should Attend:  •  Managers, owners, and operators of small water systems serving less than 10,000 people •  Decision-makers for water utilities, including mayors, finance officers, utility managers, public works directors, city councilors, board members, tribal council members, and clerks •  Consultants and technical assistance providers serving water systems If you require a certificate: Each viewer must register and attend individually, and participate for the entire duration of the webinar. We cannot provide certificates to individuals watching the webinar as a group.  Partners Include: Government Finance Officers Foundation, NADO Research Foundation, Environmental […]


Drinking Water Utility Spill Response Webinar

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This webinar will provide information to water suppliers on how to prepare and respond to a hazardous material spill that affects drinking water supplies. It will include an overview of the requirements of America’s Water Infrastructure Act (AWIA) Section 2018 which covers spill notifications to community water systems and access to hazardous chemical inventory data. Information will also be shared about lessons learned during real-world spill responses and spill response workshops held by EPA. Finally, Cape Fear Public Utility Authority (CFPUA) will discuss their source water risk and resiliency plan and response capabilities, including real-world experience from Hurricane Matthew, and Nibley City, Utah will share their experiences responding to a 2015 diesel fuel spill. Speakers: Dawn Ison and Jeff Fencil, EPA Water Security Division; Eric Hatcher and Lindsey Hallock, Cape Fear Public Utility Authority (CFPUA), North Carolina; Justin Maughan, Nibley City, Utah. Please note that attendance for the webinar is limited to 500 participants to ensure audio quality. Receipt of a registration link does not guarantee that you will be able to join the webinar because of attendance limits. A recording of the webinar will be made available after the webinar ends.  

DWR | Water Use Efficiency Standards and SB X7-7 2020 Conservation Target Requirements

Webinar Only

The Department of Water Resources (DWR) Water Use Efficiency Branch will hold a meeting on Friday, November 12, 2021, 1PM – 4PM to inform stakeholders on an approach to compare the objective based total water use calculated using water use standards against the SB X7-7 2020 water conservation targets as directed by the legislation (California Water Code Section 10609.2. (d)). DWR staff and technical team will present the tool that was developed for this intended purpose.  In addition, there will also be a presentation on the Guidelines and Methodologies that DWR is preparing on how an urban retail water supplier calculates its urban water use objective (California Water Code Section 10609.16).   During the meeting, DWR will solicit feedback from workgroup members and interested parties on both subjects. Agenda and meeting materials will be available ahead of the meeting.   Registration is required:  https://csus.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_zPxlA_EKR5CxXx_YJwiR_Q


Water Laboratory Alliance 3-Day Summit

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The Water Laboratory Alliance will host a 3-day virtual summit November 16-18,, 2021. The Summit will include an overview of the Water Laboratory Alliance/Environmental Response laboratory Network and EPA Water Security Resources, an abbreviated tabletop exercise designed to showcase resources and build connections among participants, keynote speakers, and an array of customizable track sessions available to a wide variety of stakeholders. Day 1 will feature state of the art discussions of the challenges presented by climate change and cybersecurity. Speakers will present useful resources from EPA’s Water Security Division, partner utilities, and laboratories to support preparedness and response efforts for you and your stakeholders. On Day 2, we are excited to host panel presentations on environmental justice, a spotlight on Tribal utilities, and a special session highlighting WLA emergency response planning. The resources presented in these sessions, paired with the expertise of our panelists, will enhance your water contamination response readiness.    Day 3 will walk participants through a collaborative WLA Tabletop Exercise, featuring a scenario-based contamination event as a backdrop for developing emergency response plans that address analytical support.

Webinar | Lone Agriculture Worker Safety [English]

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Maintenance, irrigation, and pesticide application are agriculture tasks where employees often work alone. Lone agriculture workers can face higher safety risks depending on the location, type of work, and inability to get immediate help in the event of an emergency.   In this course, you will learn key factors to consider when evaluating lone worker tasks and ways to help keep employees safe and secure when they work alone.   This session covers: Common lone worker safety hazards and factors that can lead to high-risk situations How to effectively communicate and regularly check-in with lone workers Lone worker safety training needs How to prepare for, and respond to lone worker emergencies

Baywork Virtual Training Buffet | Moving Water Efficiency into the 21 Century

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This presentation will cover EBMUD’s water conservation division’s transformation from a “widget” based conservation program to “informational services”. We will discuss how we are using technology to help our customers manage their water consumption through customized water use reports such as water budgets and comparative analysis combined with the long-term goal of AMI (hourly meter readings) water meters and the benefits these new water meters provide for example, leak detection, high-bill, and high-usage notifications. We will also cover the changing skill sets required to perform this new work.  Instructors: Alice Towey, Manager of Water Conservation, EBMUD & Charles Bohlig, Supervisor of Water Conservation, EBMUD  The webinar is hosted by: BAYWORK

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