Webinar | Source Water Protection Part 2

Webinar Only

Surface water or groundwater can serve as drinking water sources and each has their own treatment requirements for public drinking water supplies. Protecting source water from contamination can reduce treatment costs, saving both time and money. Protecting source water also reduces risks to public health from exposures to contaminated water. Source water assessments provide water utilities, community and others with information needed to protect drinking water sources. Learning how to conduct a source water assessment and implement management measures can prevent, reduce or eliminate risks to your drinking water supply. Participants will learn: Delineation of source water protection area Inventory of known and potential contamination sources Determine susceptibility of your PWS to contaminant sources Public education about threats identified Management measures for prevention, reduction or elimination of risks Contingency planning for contamination events The recommended audience includes local government (boards), management and operators.  


Webinar | Beat the Cyanobacterial Blues: What You Need to Know About Cyanotoxins

Webinar Only

Cyanobacteria, formerly referred to as blue-green algae, are found naturally in lakes, rivers, ponds and other surface waters. When certain conditions exist, such as in warm water containing an abundance of nutrients, they can rapidly form harmful algal blooms (HABs). Some HABs are capable of producing toxins, called cyanotoxins, which can pose health risks to humans and animals through drinking water and recreational water exposure. Additionally, HABs can create taste and odor problems in drinking water, which do not have adverse human health impacts but can create an earthy and musty taste and smell. The purpose of this learning event is to provide operators of small water systems with a basic knowledge of the causes, health effects and treatment of cyanobacteria and their associated endotoxins in drinking water. Contaminants related to algal blooms are a relatively new area of concern for water systems using surface supplies. There is some evidence that climate change may be increasing this threat. Participants will learn: Basic information about cyanobacteria and the toxins associated with these organisms Information about Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) providing an understanding of the characteristics and conditions of that result in HABs; including California's HAB Incident Reporting Map An overview of […]


Webinar | Water System Basic Operations

Webinar Only

A public water system manager and operator have a lot of irons in the fire. They answer to their customers, local government (board of directors), state and county primacy agencies, other state/county/federal agencies and various businesses/industry. Where does one begin? It all begins with operations, and the managers/operators need to ensure that safe water is consistently delivered to the customers, this water is under sufficient pressure, all required water testing is performed promptly and with proper testing techniques and that all records are documented accurately and as required. This workshop will utilize the trainer’s experiences, as well as the experience of participants in the workshop, to explore these topics and others as encountered by the experienced managers/operators that will be attending this training. Participants will learn: About doing "the rounds" Record keeping and reporting Daily/weekly/monthly tasks The responsibility to the public About dealing with the board or other local government


Webinar | Hydrant Installation

Webinar Only

This course Hydrant Installation is offered two times on the same day, attendees ONLY need to register once to take this course. A crucial part of any Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) is to follow through and complete tasks planned. One of these tasks is the replacement and/or installation of new fire hydrants. This workshop will outline the steps necessary to install wet barrel and dry barrel fire hydrants. This includes the initial planning, the financial planning, the installation itself and steps that may need to be taken upon completion of the installation. Participants will learn: The CIP overview Planning for fire hydrant installation Fire hydrant installation Recommended steps to follow upon completion of new hydrant installation


Webinar | Hydrant Installation

Webinar Only

This course Hydrant Installation is offered two times on the same day, attendees ONLY need to register once to take this course. A crucial part of any Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) is to follow through and complete tasks planned. One of these tasks is the replacement and/or installation of new fire hydrants. This workshop will outline the steps necessary to install wet barrel and dry barrel fire hydrants. This includes the initial planning, the financial planning, the installation itself and steps that may need to be taken upon completion of the installation. Participants will learn: The CIP overview Planning for fire hydrant installation Fire hydrant installation Recommended steps to follow upon completion of new hydrant installation


SAFER Summer Series: Kick-Off and Community Presentations

Webinar Only

The SAFER Summer Series is part of the California State Water Resources Control Board’s Safe and Affordable Funding for Equity and Resilience (SAFER) program. The SAFER program is designed to ensure that Californians who lack safe and affordable drinking water receive it as quickly as possible. Interpretation services are available for the SAFER Summer Series! If you need interpretation services, please email SAFER@waterboards.ca.gov or call 916.445.5615 at least 10 business days before the event. All events are open to the public and registration is not required.


SAFER Summer Series: Tribal Drinking Water Workshop: Central CA

Webinar Only

The State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board) invites you to attend a workshop to learn about the Safe and Affordable Funding for Equity and Resilience (SAFER) drinking water program and the opportunities available to California Native American Tribes. Using short- and long-term strategies, SAFER is designed to ensure Californians who lack safe, adequate, and affordable drinking water receive it as quickly as possible, and that the water systems serving them establish sustainable solutions. The agenda and purpose of these workshops are: State Water Board and Department of Water Resources staff provide information on the drinking water opportunities available to California Native American Tribes, with a focus on the State Water Board’s SAFER drinking water program, including the draft Fund Expenditure Plan and funding opportunities. Participants discuss and ask questions about the programs and funding opportunities. Facilitated discussion on the of inclusion of Tribal drinking water data in statewide water system needs assessments. Zoom: bit.ly/SAFERCenCal Telephone: +16699009128, Meeting ID: 939 4571 6911


Webinar | Financial Management & Accounting with QuickBooks Part 1

Webinar Only

Accurate, meaningful and comprehensible financial information is critical to the decision making and continuity of every utility. Many small utilities use QuickBooks to track and report their financial activity. In this class you will learn how to maximize the use of this software, from setting up your chart of accounts to entering your budget and transactions to producing your financial statements. Participants will learn: Set up your chart of accounts Set up your customers and vendors Enter customer billing data and produce bills Record transactions Build your audit trail Produce your financial statements The recommended audience includes bookkeepers/accountants, governing bodies, managers, operators and anyone recording and/or interpreting transactions.


Webinar | Financial Management & Accounting with QuickBooks Part 2

Webinar Only

Accurate, meaningful and comprehensible financial information is critical to the decision making and continuity of every utility. Many small utilities use QuickBooks to track and report their financial activity. In this class you will learn how to maximize the use of this software, from setting up your chart of accounts to entering your budget and transactions to producing your financial statements. Participants will learn: Set up your chart of accounts Set up your customers and vendors Enter customer billing data and produce bills Record transactions Build your audit trail Produce your financial statements The recommended audience includes bookkeepers/accountants, governing bodies, managers, operators and anyone recording and/or interpreting transactions.  


Webinar | Building Your Google Earth GIS Model & Map Part 1

Webinar Only

Effective asset management is critical to the overall financial performance of water utilities. Waiting until assets fail rather than planning for replacement significantly increases the cost of service. Developing and maintaining a detailed asset inventory is the first step in the process. GIS mapping tools can make the job easier. Participants will receive a step-by-step tutorial on how to map a water system’s assets using free Google Earth Pro for Desktop. Participants will learn: The basics tools of Google Earth needed to map water system assets How to derive water man pipe lengths and surface elevations for evaluating pipe alignmentsand tank sites for hydraulic analysis, project planning and cost estimating How to edit, save and share your Google Earth Pro maps Participants should download and install the free Google Earth Pro for Desktop software before the class (https://www.google.com/earth/versions/#download-pro) The recommended audience includes operators, managers, and board members engineers and administrative staff.

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