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Regulatory Issues of Interest

Pending Known Regulatory Action

Agency Target Proposed Regulation Action Taken
Division of Drinking Water (DWR) Perchlorate Re-setting the detection level for perchlorate at 2ppb Actively monitoring
State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) Drinking Water MCLs Economic Feasibility Guidelines (as a result of the Cr6 invalidation) Formulating a proactive measure with CWSA and others and need to be prepared to provide testimony at regional workshops between March and April
Office of Environmental Health Hazards Assessment (OEHHA) Human Right to Water “Tool” Finalizing its Human Right to Water “Tool” for measuring progress in its implementation Submitted a comment letter and are preparing for a second one
SWRCB Fi$Cal software program The SWRCB is facing setbacks from the melt-down of the Fi$Cal software program that helps various state departments administer grants, issue reimbursements etc. Raising this issue in various forums
State of California SB998 Implementation The state is implementing SB998 in 2020 requiring special measures when shutting off delinquent customers Jim Ciampa and Adan Ortega are making presentations to regional gatherings of water agency/company CFOs
SWRCB AB401 Implementation The SWRCB is gathering stakeholders to discuss comments received about potential legislation to implement AB401 – a $600M program to Low Income Rate Assistance Program Have been participating over the last two years and will be attending a meeting in March on this topic – this may move to the legislative committee as legislation is drafted
DWR Implementation of Conservation as a way of life legislation Conservation as a way of life legislation is being implemented Adan Ortega is on a DWR stakeholder group that will develop draft guidelines for Counties that must build resiliency plans for systems with less than 3,000 connections. CalMutuals is part of a small systems task force.
SWRCB and DWR Small water systems needs assessment SWRCB and DWR developing criteria for a small water systems needs assessment We are attending meetings and have provided comments, and are preparing for follow-up meetings
South Coast Air Quality Management District Asbestos pipes New regulations on handling and surveying of asbestos pipes CalMutuals is part of a broad coalition monitored by Jim Ciampa and CalMutuals Staff
State Energy Commission Water system energy consumption Survey of water system energy consumption

John Neil alerted CalMutuals staff which is monitoring developments


Los Angeles Agency Formation Commission Los Angeles County small systems Formulating a report on small systems status in Los Angeles County due in May 2019 CalMutuals staff monitoring and potentially participating in the formulation of the report


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