Webinar | Heat Illness Prevention [SPANISH]

Webinar Only

Las enfermedades causadas por el calor continúan siendo una seria preocupación para las empresas que tienen empleados que trabajan en ambientes al aire libre con altas temperaturas, fuentes de calor radiante, alta humedad y actividades físicas extenuantes. Las enfermedades relacionadas con el calor pueden causar graves problemas de salud y, en algunos casos, provocar la muerte.   Esta sesión cubre: Factores de riesgo de enfermedades causadas por el calor Signos y síntomas de enfermedades causadas por el calor Cómo responder a los síntomas Cómo prevenir las enfermedades causadas por el calor Importancia de la aclimatación Función y responsabilidad del supervisor en la prevención de las enfermedades causadas por el calor Elementos de un programa de prevención de enfermedades causadas por el calor Capacitación de empleados y supervisores  

Webinar | Asset Management for Mutual Water Companies in California

Webinar Only

It is becoming all too common for water systems to experience system failures resulting in outages or non-compliance issues caused by underfunding reserves. One method to avoid these issues in to plan for the future, and fund reserves. Attendees will learn how to plan for the true cost of water by understanding how to develop an asset management plan to replace water system critical assets prior to failure. Participants will learn: AB54 requirements for financial reserve funds What is an asset management plan Resources for planning and developing a plan How a CIP ties into other important documents, policies and budgets This training will be hosted on GoToTraining.  

Webinar | Rate Setting for Mutual Water Companies in California

Webinar Only

A water system must increase rates to remain viable, maintain their infrastructure, and comply with water regulations, but yet struggled with setting service rates to build long term sustainability. Do your customers have a difficult time understanding the true value of water service? This workshop will provide creative ideas on how to educate your customers, gain their support through transparency, and adhere to the AB54 and AB240 requirements. Participants will learn: Why do a rate study How to develop a sustainable service rate to meet AB54 requirements Different types of rate structures based on your customers Importance of communication, transparency and education.  This training will be hosted on GoToTraining.

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