RCAC: Pathogens in Drinking Water

Webinar Only

Description: Disease outbreaks in water systems are rare, but they can and do happen. There are hundreds of known disease-causing organisms that can contaminate water, and new ones being discovered every day. Even 40 years ago, pathogens like Giardia were not believed to be harmful to humans. Participants will learn: Types of disease-causing organisms that are of concern for water systems Regulations addressing contamination How to operate and maintain your water systems to minimize the possibility of microbial contamination Accreditation: 2 California Drinking Water Contact Hours awarded. Contact hours have been approved for the Registered Environmental Health Specialist Program.

RCAC: Coliform Sampling Procedures

Webinar Only

Description: Sampling for total coliforms and E. coli in the water system is one of the most important things an operator can do. The new Revised Total Coliform Rule (RTCR) effective April 2016 affects every public water system. These revisions to the Total Coliform Rule will affect how operators and managers respond to total coliform positives (TC+) and require steps to analyze the integrity of the system as a result of positive samples. Investigation and corrective actions are at the forefront of the RTCR, and knowing how to complete a level 1 assessment can be the difference between compliance and violation. This workshop will focus on reviewing triggers for level 1 and level 2 assessments and who is expected to perform them; how to conduct an assessment with examples and small group exercises. Participants will learn: Learning topics gathered from Trainer New procedures for the month following a TC+ What to do if you have a positive E. coli result When an assessment of system is needed How to complete a level 1 assessment of your system Tips on system inspection/investigation Accreditation: 2 California Drinking Water Contract Hours awarded. Contact hours have been approved for the Registered Environmental Health Specialist […]

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