Webinar | Operations Maintenance: Maintaining Water Quality Part 1/2

Webinar Only

This course is now offered as an online training. It is recommended to take both parts on the same day.  Part 1, will take place from 10:00am to 12:00pm and Part 2, will take place from 2:00pm to 4:00pm. Please follow the links below to register for each part separately. Public water systems are required to provide safe drinking water. Methods for providing safe drinking water vary from system to system, but there are a handful of methods that apply to all systems. This workshop designed for operators and managers will cover the methods used by most water systems to ensure acceptable water quality. Participants will learn: • The technique and importance of coliform sampling • The importance and methods for unidirectional flushing • Disinfection basics • Water storage tank cleaning and maintenance • Cross connection prevention


Webinar | Operations Maintenance: Maintaining Water Quality Part 2/2

Webinar Only

This course  is now offered as an online training. It is recommended to take both parts on the same day.  Part 1, will take place from 10:00am to 12:00pm and Part 2, will take place from 2:00pm to 4:00pm.  Please follow the links below to register for each part separately.  Public water systems are required to provide safe drinking water. Methods for providing safe drinking water vary from system to system, but there are a handful of methods that apply to all systems. This workshop designed for operators and managers will cover the methods used by most water systems to ensure acceptable water quality. Participants will learn: The technique and importance of coliform sampling The importance and methods for unidirectional flushing Disinfection basics Water storage tank cleaning and maintenance Cross connection prevention


Webinar | Resiliency & Vulnerability Planning – Part 1/2

Webinar Only

This course is now offered as an online training. It is recommended to take both parts on the same day.  Part 1 will take place from 10:00am to 12:00pm and Part 2 will take place from 2:00pm to 4:00pm. Please follow the links below to register for each part separately.   Every system will have an emergency. Identifying potential risks and taking measures to mitigate their impact are the first steps to a successful recovery. In part one of this two-part series we will look at tools and techniques for assessing where your system may experience service interruption, unsafe water, or any other harm. Participants will learn: Identify risks to their system  Utilize available tools to begin mitigation efforts  Understand the cost and benefit of instituting mitigation efforts Access tools for the completion of a hazard mitigation process


Webinar | Resiliency & Vulnerability Planning – Part 2/2

Webinar Only

This course is now offered as an online training. It is recommended to take both parts on the same day.  Part 1 will take place from 10:00am to 12:00pm and Part 2 will take place from 2:00pm to 4:00pm. Please follow the links below to register for each part separately.   In part one of this series you learned about pre-hazard mitigation planning and how to reduce drinking water system vulnerabilities. In part two, we will provide water system personnel with the information and resources needed to respond preemptively and proactively to most emergency situations. A water system emergency is any situation which causes water outages, unsafe drinking water, or any harm to humans or animals. The emergency may have been created by a fire, flood or vandalism and having a written response plan, lines of communication and mutual aid agreements in place prior to an emergency will provide an avenue for thoughtful response. Participants will learn: How to develop an emergency response plan and identify the eight core elements required in the ERP  How to assess vulnerability and complete risk ranking as we introduce the concept of the vulnerability assessment The benefits of mutual aid agreements Where to look for resources to complete a […]


Webinar | WaterSMART Small-Scale Water Efficiency Projects

The Bureau of Reclamation has published a funding opportunity for the WaterSMART Small-Scale Water Efficiency Projects. The funding opportunity is available on grants.gov by searching for opportunity number R21AS00257. Applications are due on March 18, 2020, at 4 p.m. MDT. Eligible applicants include States, Indian Tribes, irrigation districts, water districts, and other organizations with water or power delivery authority. Nonprofit conservation organizations partnering with one of these entities can also apply. See Section C.1. Eligible Applicants of the funding opportunity for additional information. Through this funding opportunity, Reclamation provides funding for small-scale on-the-ground projects that seek to conserve, better manage, or otherwise make more efficient use of water supplies. Applicants can request up to $75,000 in Reclamation funding for projects with a total project cost of $200,000 or less. Learn more at https://www.usbr.gov/watersmart/swep/index.html. Reclamation will host a webinar on Wednesday, February 3, 2021, at 2 p.m. MST to discuss eligible applicants and project types, program requirements, and the evaluation criteria for the Small-Scale Water Efficiency Projects funding opportunity. Click here to join the webinar or see the flyer down below for more information. Applicants with questions regarding applicant and project eligibility, program requirements, or the evaluation criteria, click here and […]


Webinar | Preparing for Even Wilder Wildfires

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Wildfires ravaged an unprecedented amount of California in the past 12 months. This session will explore the impacts of wildfires on health, low-income housing, and small water systems, as well as highlight innovative tactics to increase resiliency, especially for populations that are most vulnerable to wildfire.   Speakers include: Karen Baker and Justin Knighten, Co-Chairs of Listos California & Advisor, California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services J.R. DeShazo, UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs (moderator) Michael Jerrett, UCLA School of Public Health Julia Kim, Climate & Energy Program Director, Local Government Commission Gregory Pierce, UCLA Urban Planning Department and Luskin Center for Innovation

Webinar | AGWA-AGWT Annual California Groundwater Conference

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The annual AGWA-AGWT California Groundwater program attracts participants interested in learning about the state's water management challenges and solutions. Presentation topics to discuss: What is the grower/irrigator perspective on future water sharing? What if we aren't correctly calculating aquifer storage volume?  Is the water market the future for management decisions? Can models be the basis for sustainability plans? When does pumping impact surface water? Who should attend?  Water managers, engineers, planners, utility operators, groundwater consultants, geologists, hydrogeologists, farmers/growers/irrigators, water well professionals, water attorneys, groundwater end-users, city and county government employees, Federal and State water agencies, regulatory authorities, environmental NGOs and interested citizens

Webinar | Using MHI Data for Water System Management

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Is your small rural water system infrastructure coming to the end of its useful life? Are those replacement dates approaching quickly? Maybe your system is out of compliance with the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA), or can’t meet peak daily water demand because of drought. Often small rural water systems find it difficult to set aside the appropriate reserve funds to pay for these costs and keep water rates affordable. Many systems depend on multiple state and federal funding sources in the form of grants, and zero- or low-interest loans to remedy these challenges. Don’t assume that your system will qualify for these state and federal funds without doing your research. Funding agencies use the community’s median household income (MHI) to deter­mine the grant amount and/or loan funds they can provide the system, and what is an affordable service rate. This course will help you to determine if your system needs an income survey conducted, and how it can be a tremendous benefit to your community. Participants will learn: How to determine if your system could benefit from an income survey Benefits analysis How it could help you develop a stronger capital improvements plan The MHI process, how and when […]


Webinar | Intro To Instrumentation, Controls & SCADA Technology

Webinar Only

Description: This webinar will look at how instrumentation and control systems are used by a water utility.  It will look at controlling motors, VFDs and energy management.  The webinar will have math problems related to the topic of instrumentation and control.  It will identify four main building blocks of a SCADA system and have examples, usage and configuration option.  Finally, it will show real world examples of SCADA screens and discuss how water operators interact with SCADA technology. Earn up to 8 contact hours. Instructor: Henry Palechek Member $150 / Non-member $175 Online registration for this webinar closes on February 7.


Webinar | Capacity Building Through Partnerships

Webinar Only

No water system is an island; we need each other. Small water systems must meet the same regulations as large systems without the economies of scale. What’s a system with 1,000 connections or less to do? This workshop will discuss the spectrum of opportunities for partnering with others. From casual information sharing or operational support, to formal consolidation or joint powers agreements, we will review the challenges and benefits of partnering up. By creating partnerships and opportunities for working together we can solve some of our small system challenges Participants will learn: How to evaluate their system's potential for partnership Options for working with other systems The next steps to start or continue the conversation

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