Webinar | Conventional Water Treatment, Best Practices & Issues

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Description: This webinar will look at the operation of the most common types of water treatment plants.  It will compare and contrast a direct filtration plant with a conventional plant.  The session will also look at choices, issues and options when considering moving to membrane technology.  The webinar will look at basic regulations, operations and best practices.  Finally, it will look at limiting disinfection byproducts and creating water that is suitable to go into the distribution system. This webinar is 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm on March 30 and March 31. Earn up to 8 contact hours. Instructor: Henry Palechek


Webinar | Compliance Monitoring & Reporting

Webinar Only

This course Compliance Monitoring & Reporting is offered two times on the same day, attendees ONLY need to register once to take this course. Public water systems are required to test for a multitude of constituents, both in their water sources and in the distribution system. What if we had just one simple place where we could go to in order to remember what we need to test for and when? Fortunately, the Water Boards have a website called Drinc that allows staff (and the public) to see what samples are due, when they are due and what past sampling results are. Once the results have been determined by the lab there may be state reporting required, as well as possible public notification. Participants will learn: How to navigate the Drinc website to determine your monitoring requirements How to determine the best sampling techniques What to do with the water sample results The responsibilities to the state health department The responsibilities when notifying the public of pollutants or contaminates in your drinking water How to correctly fill out a chain-of-custody form


Webinar | Introduction to Occupational Health Hazards

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 Online Webinar -  Available to members with CalMutuals JPRIMA Worker's Compensation insurance only.   Occupational health is the science of protecting employee health and the prevention of workplace hazards that may cause illness. Common occupational health hazards involve exposure to chemical, biological, or physical agents.   This session covers: Common employee health hazards associated with workplace exposures Health effects associated with these hazards Common strategies to reduce occupational health hazards and employee exposure  To learn more or sign up:  Visit TheZenith.com, scroll down to Zenith Solution Center You can also contact us at 800-440-5020 or email ecommerce@thezenith.com

Webinar | Small Water Utility Insights AWIA Compliance

Webinar Only

Goal: Provide small water community utilities with practical advice on meeting AWIA requirements. The America’s Water Infrastructure Act (AWIA) of 2018 requires that small community water systems serving at least 3,300 people assess the risks to, and the resilience of, their drinking water systems.  The AWIA requires performance of a Risk and Resilience Assessment (RRA), which is due June 31, 2021 and the development of an Emergency Response Plan (ERP), which is due December 31, 2021. Water utility managers have long understood the concept of managing risk. Developing a robust RRA and ERP will benefit small community water systems by opening the door to new and ongoing discussions of their vulnerabilities, including cybersecurity, and potential risk mitigation needs, leading to more dynamic policies and procedures. They also will learn how to align the RRA and ERP with Capital Improvement and Facilities Planning which can have the added benefit of incorporating new projects into their Capital Improvement and Facilities Plan. Session Topics and Speakers are: Dr. Stephen Baruch, Moderator (AARC) AWIA Compliance – Samantha McVety, EPA Region 9 Coordinator for AWIA Certification Use of the Vsat Tool from a Practitioner Perspective – Deanna McMahan (SEMC) Emergency Response Plan, Does and Don’ts […]


Webinar | Developing and Keeping Utility Personnel Part 1

Webinar Only

Workforce development is one of the most important reasons given for entering and leaving occupations. As we see an increased demand for qualified operators, are we doing enough to develop our workforce?  Participants will learn: Workforce development and its importance for their system  How to identify one or more tools the system can utilize to form current and future operators How to utilize the system budget to plan to staff development and support  The recommended audience includes managers, operators, and boards. 


Developing and Keeping Utility Personnel Part 2

Webinar Only

Workforce development is one of the most important reasons given for entering and leaving occupations. As we see an increased demand for qualified operators, are we doing enough to develop our workforce?  Participants will learn: Workforce development and its importance for their system  How to identify one or more tools the system can utilize to form current and future operators How to utilize the system budget to plan to staff development and support  The recommended audience includes managers, operators, and boards.


Webinar | The Balancing Act of Water & Agriculture in California

Webinar Only

The agriculture industry in California is pivotal not only to state residents, but also to the entire country at large. According to the California Department of Food and Agriculture, over a third of the vegetables in the US come from California, as well as two-thirds of the nation's fruits and nuts. Without this state’s agriculture industry, many of the produce and dairy we have grown accustomed to having year-round would increasingly be in short supply. At the same time, however, more than 40% of California’s water is used by the agriculture industry. This pressure on the state’s water supply contributes to drought, exacerbates climate change, and impacts regional and state economies, particularly during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. At the local level, water allocation to agriculture may compete with community resources. The right to safe and affordable drinking water continues to be unrealized for rural and immigrant farmworker communities, even as they continue to perform essential work in our economy and feed our communities. In this upcoming WELL Webinar, The Balancing Act of Water & Ag in California, we bring together experts in the agriculture industry from a variety of regions--from the Delta to the Central and Coachella Valleys--to discuss the […]

Webinar | Safe and Affordable Funding for Equity and Resilience (SAFER): Needs Assessment Results

Webinar Only

Learn about the results from our team's work on California's Drinking Water Needs Assessment in this webinar. The Needs Assessment is the first comprehensive analysis of how clean water is provided throughout the state, and estimates how much it would actually cost to deliver safe water to every Californian.   Hosted by the State Water Board, this webinar will discuss findings from the study and how the results will be used to inform spending of the Safe and Affordable Drinking Water Fund.


Webinar | Rate Setting for Small Water Systems

Webinar Only

This course Rate Setting for Small Water Systems is offered two times on the same day, attendees ONLY need to register once to take this course. Do you really need to increase rates? Improved understanding of financial reports will help you answer this question. The goal of good financial management is to ensure that the utility is operated as a financially sustainable enterprise, while providing safe and reliable water, both in the short- and long-term. In order to remain viable, all public water systems need to acquire and manage sufficient financial resources to achieve and maintain compliance with regulatory requirements. One primary tool to become and remain viable is developing and maintaining a comprehensive budget. This workshop will show board members, managers and operators how to develop a budget, identify revenues and expenses, methods to balance the budget, and how to review a budget comparison report on a regular basis. Participants will learn: How to prepare a budget How to identify revenue and expenses How to identify fiscal policies for assisting in balancing the budget How to review the budget comparison report on a regular basis How to establish a rate structure based on the true cost of producing and […]


Webinar | Rate Setting for Small Water Systems

Webinar Only

This course Rate Setting for Small Water Systems is offered two times on the same day, attendees ONLY need to register once to take this course. Do you really need to increase rates? Improved understanding of financial reports will help you answer this question. The goal of good financial management is to ensure that the utility is operated as a financially sustainable enterprise, while providing safe and reliable water, both in the short- and long-term. In order to remain viable, all public water systems need to acquire and manage sufficient financial resources to achieve and maintain compliance with regulatory requirements. One primary tool to become and remain viable is developing and maintaining a comprehensive budget. This workshop will show board members, managers and operators how to develop a budget, identify revenues and expenses, methods to balance the budget, and how to review a budget comparison report on a regular basis. Participants will learn: How to prepare a budget How to identify revenue and expenses How to identify fiscal policies for assisting in balancing the budget How to review the budget comparison report on a regular basis How to establish a rate structure based on the true cost of producing and […]

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