Webinar | Navigating Public Meetings Virtually Part 1

Webinar Only

Due to COVID-19 there are several potential changes to the public meeting process to keep in mind. This course will focus on three critical aspects to consider as you organize your own virtual public meetings. We will discuss how virtual board meetings can include elements of web meetings with collaboration and discussion and how to use webcasts and webinars to present information to the attendees and promote interaction between the attendees and members of the board. Learn the pros and cons of common online platforms, and the do’s and don’ts when conducting virtual meetings. Participants will learn: Open meeting laws to consider when planning your next virtual board meeting. The difference between webinars, web meetings, and web trainings How to differentiate between common online platforms and choose one that best suits your needs Resources to implement best practices for public participation in virtual board meetings The recommended audience includes managers, operators, board members and secretary to the board.


Webinar | Navigating Public Meetings Virtually Part 2

Webinar Only

Due to COVID-19 there are several potential changes to the public meeting process to keep in mind. This course will focus on three critical aspects to consider as you organize your own virtual public meetings. We will discuss how virtual board meetings can include elements of web meetings with collaboration and discussion and how to use webcasts and webinars to present information to the attendees and promote interaction between the attendees and members of the board. Learn the pros and cons of common online platforms, and the do’s and don’ts when conducting virtual meetings. Participants will learn: Open meeting laws to consider when planning your next virtual board meeting. The difference between webinars, web meetings, and web trainings How to differentiate between common online platforms and choose one that best suits your needs Resources to implement best practices for public participation in virtual board meetings The recommended audience includes managers, operators, board members and secretary to the board.


Webinar | Plastic Pollution and Possible Solutions

Plastic pollution has long been a problem affecting people and the planet’s health locally and globally. But the pandemic has compounded the challenge, given increased use of single-use plastics like face masks, gloves, and takeout containers. Why have existing policies failed us? California and corporate leaders have taken and proposed innovative steps in recent years, but are they enough? Join us for this panel of policy, corporate and academic leaders to discuss the strategies for a more closed loop, less wasteful economy, and what still needs to happen to adequately address the problem. This session is co-presented by the UCLA Anderson School of Management, as part of their IMPACT Week Conference.


Webinar | How to Prepare for Sanitary Surveys Part 1

Webinar Only

It is the ultimate responsibility of every operator, manager and board member to provide safe drinking water to their customers. The prevention and removal of contaminants from the water is an essential job function. Sanitary Surveys are a very important tool in helping water systems provide safe drinking water. The Groundwater Rule puts increased regulatory emphasis on conducting Sanitary Surveys and correcting deficiencies before they lead to water contamination events. This course will give participants an overview of how to prepare for a Sanitary Survey. Participants will learn: What a Sanitary Survey entails The benefits of conducting your own Sanitary Survey to provide safe drinking water to your customers The Sanitary Survey requirements in the Groundwater Rule How to access resources to help you prepare The recommended audience includes board members, general managers, financial managers and operators.


Webinar | EPA’s Small Drinking Water Systems Webinar on Very Small Systems

Webinar Only

To register, please click the following link: attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/8667195487789291792. After registering for the webinar, you should receive an automatic reply with a link to test your computer’s compatibility with the webinar software. Please note that for this webinar, attendees can only listen with computer audio and will not be able to call into the webinar using a phone line. This change has been made to allow more people to attend the webinar.


Webinar | How to Prepare for Sanitary Surveys Part 2

Webinar Only

It is the ultimate responsibility of every operator, manager and board member to provide safe drinking water to their customers. The prevention and removal of contaminants from the water is an essential job function. Sanitary Surveys are a very important tool in helping water systems provide safe drinking water. The Groundwater Rule puts increased regulatory emphasis on conducting Sanitary Surveys and correcting deficiencies before they lead to water contamination events. This course will give participants an overview of how to prepare for a Sanitary Survey. Participants will learn: What a Sanitary Survey entails The benefits of conducting your own Sanitary Survey to provide safe drinking water to your customers The Sanitary Survey requirements in the Groundwater Rule How to access resources to help you prepare The recommended audience includes board members, general managers, financial managers and operators.  


Webinar | Basic Electrical Concepts Part 1

Webinar Only

Electricity is one of the most amazing and useful things that humans have harnessed for their own needs. What is it really and how does it work? What are the basic types and how do they relate to your various systems? This workshop will give participants a review of electrical theory and help them better understand the use and control of electrical power. Participants will learn: What electricity is Basic electrical terms Basic electrical concepts Basic electrical components Basic machines we work with, e.g., pumps, motors and generators Kilowatt hours and utility demand charges The recommended audience includes system operators and managers.


Webinar | Basic Electrical Concepts Part 2

Webinar Only

Electricity is one of the most amazing and useful things that humans have harnessed for their own needs. What is it really and how does it work? What are the basic types and how do they relate to your various systems? This workshop will give participants a review of electrical theory and help them better understand the use and control of electrical power. Participants will learn: What electricity is Basic electrical terms Basic electrical concepts Basic electrical components Basic machines we work with, e.g., pumps, motors and generators Kilowatt hours and utility demand charges The recommended audience includes system operators and managers.  


Webinar | AB54 & AB240: Ethics for Mutual Water Company Board Members

Webinar Only

By law, all mutual water board members are required to have two hours of ethics training within six months of taking office and every six years following. This training is designed to provide system longevity and help ensure that board members meet their legal responsibilities. Required training topics include conflicts of interest, fiduciary responsibilities, Safe Drinking Water Act compliance, long-term management and capital improvement planning. We will also cover the AB240 requirements, which affect mutual water systems as of January 1, 2014. This workshop allows mutual water systems to comply with this new regulation and helps prepare them to better govern their water company. This workshop meets the legal requirement for board members ethics training under AB54. Participants will learn: Requirements of AB54 and AB240 Financial conflicts of interest to avoid About strategic planning Financial responsibilities Capital improvement planning How to comply with the Safe Drinking Water Act


Webinar | Go Small and Go Home: Point-of-Use & Point-of-Entry Treatment Systems

Webinar Only

This course Go Small and Go Home: Point-of-Use and Point-of-Entry Treatment Systems is offered two times on the same day, attendees ONLY need to register once to take this course. Small public water systems that face challenges associated with removing naturally occurring contaminants from potable water supplies often find the path to compliance challenging. Prior to 1996, all water systems were required to use centralized treatment systems for the removal of naturally occurring contaminants. The1996 Amendments to the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) removed the prohibition on using point-of-use (POU) and point-of-entry (POE) treatment devices for small public water systems in order to achieve compliance with some of the maximum contaminant levels (MCLs) established under the National Primary Drinking Water Regulations. These amendments have expanded the options small water systems may use to meet treated water standards for naturally occurring contaminants. POU and POE treatment devices rely on many of the same treatment technologies used in centralized treatment plants. However, while centralized plants treat all water distributed to consumers to the same level, POU and POE treatment devices treat only a portion of the total flow. A POU device treats only the water intended for direct consumption (drinking and cooking), […]

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