Setting Effective Rates & Accessing Funding

Webinar Only

Workshop participants will learn how to assess revenue requirements, identify the community’s financial priorities, and build rates that fit your situation and objectives.

U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s NOW + NEXT: Cyber Essentials Webinar

CISA’s cyber experts will dive into the details of the latest memo from the White House urging America’s small business leaders to take five steps immediately to protect themselves from ransomware. Plus, small business owner Spencer Ferguson of Wasatch IT (and speaker at CO— Workshop Wednesday: Protecting Your Business from Cyber Threats) will share personal strategies and ask targeted questions. Registration is complimentary here, hope to see you tune in tomorrow. 

Setting Effective Rates & Accessing Funding

Webinar Only

Workshop participants will learn how to assess revenue requirements, identify the community’s financial priorities, and build rates that fit your situation and objectives.

Webinar | Agriculture Machine Guarding [ENGLISH]

Webinar Only

Every year thousands of agriculture workers suffer serious injuries in machinery and equipment-related incidents. Employees exposed to moving parts, blades and other dangerous components in machinery can suffer severe injuries, amputations, and even death. Despite the high potential for severe injury, lack of effective machine guarding remains in OSHA’s top 10 list as one of the most cited employee safety violations.   In this course, you’ll learn common guarding methods in agriculture settings and best practices to manage your machine guarding safety program.   This session covers: Fundamental machinery and equipment guarding principles Common guarding methods in agriculture Ways to identify missing or inadequate guarding 


Webinar | Agriculture Machine Guarding [SPANISH]

Webinar Only

Cada temporada, los supervisores y mayordomos deben garantizar un inicio exitoso y seguro de las operaciones de cosecha. Es exigente mantenerse al día con la capacitación de los empleados, la seguridad de los equipos y la documentación requerida. Coordinar todos los aspectos de la creación de un entorno de trabajo seguro sin un procedimiento o lista de verificación es un verdadero desafío. Aprenda las mejores prácticas para planificar, coordinar y gestionar todos los aspectos de la puesta en marcha exitosa de un equipo de cosecha.   Esta sesión cubre: Principios fundamentales de protección de maquinaria y equipo Métodos de protección habituales en la agricultura Formas de identificar protecciones faltantes o inadecuadas  


Cal/OSHA’s Webinar | Revised COVID-19 Prevention Standards – What All Employers Need To Know

Webinar Only

The CA Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board has been working to revise COVID-19 Prevention Emergency Standards. According to the Board the new standards may address distancing, face coverings, written programs, workplace exclusion, employee housing, and transportation.   During this webinar, a Cal/OSHA Consultation Services Manager will explain key updates and review actions employers should take to meet Cal/OSHA standards.   This session covers topics such as: Physical distancing, partitions/barriers and PPE for employees working indoors and outdoors Face coverings for fully vaccinated and unvaccinated employees Required employee training topics Excluding employees from the workplace after close contact Special protections for employee housing and transportation Integration with Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and CA Dept. of Public Health (CDPH) guidelines  

Cybersecurity & Accessing Funding

Webinar Only

Participants will learn to recognize threats, complete a self-assessment questionnaire, and utilize the AWWA cybersecurity controls for small systems. Additionally, how to apply with USDA to get funding is covered.

Setting Effective Rates & Accessing Funding

Webinar Only

Workshop participants will learn how to assess revenue requirements, identify the community’s financial priorities, and build rates that fit your situation and objectives.

Webinar | Hazard Communication and Global Harmonization for Managers

Webinar Only

Employees have the “Right to Know” about the chemicals and materials used at work that can cause illness or injury. Employers must identify the hazards of chemicals used, communicate these hazards to employees, and make sure employees are protected.   The Global Harmonization System (GHS) is an approach to classifying chemicals across regulatory agencies, to make it easier for employees to understand safety information on hazardous materials.   This session covers: Overview of Hazard Communication and Global Harmonization System Components of a hazard communication program Roles and responsibilities Chemical inventory and the hazard evaluation processes Safety Data Sheets (SDS) and labels Training Program evaluation  

Cybersecurity & Accessing Funding

Webinar Only

Participants will learn to recognize threats, complete a self-assessment questionnaire, and utilize the AWWA cybersecurity controls for small systems. Additionally, how to apply with USDA to get funding is covered.

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