Webinar | Managing Agriculture Employee Fatigue

Webinar Only

Fatigue is quite common among agriculture workers. In addition to affecting productivity, fatigue reduces mental and physical alertness, impairs judgment, slows reaction time, and can increase employee’s risk-taking behavior. Operating or working near farm machinery and equipment is particularly dangerous for fatigued employees.   This course explains human fatigue, its health effects, and ways to manage employee fatigue in the workplace.   This session covers: Facts about fatigue and how it affects employee safety and performance Personal employee health and behavioral factors that contribute to fatigue Strategies to manage employee fatigue and maintain a safe, productive workforce


Webinar | Building Your Google Earth GIS Model & Map Part 2

Webinar Only

Effective asset management is critical to the overall financial performance of water utilities. Waiting until assets fail rather than planning for replacement significantly increases the cost of service. Developing and maintaining a detailed asset inventory is the first step in the process. GIS mapping tools can make the job easier. Participants will receive a step-by-step tutorial on how to map a water system’s assets using free Google Earth Pro for Desktop. Participants will learn: The basics tools of Google Earth needed to map water system assets How to derive water man pipe lengths and surface elevations for evaluating pipe alignmentsand tank sites for hydraulic analysis, project planning and cost estimating How to edit, save and share your Google Earth Pro maps Participants should download and install the free Google Earth Pro for Desktop software before the class (https://www.google.com/earth/versions/#download-pro) The recommended audience includes operators, managers, and board members engineers and administrative staff.  


SAFER Advisory Group Meeting #2

Webinar Only

The SAFER Advisory Group provides the State Water Board with constructive advice and feedback on the Safe and Affordable Drinking Water Fund Expenditure Plan and other related policies and analyses. The Group is composed of 19 appointed members that represent public water systems, technical assistance providers, local agencies, nongovernmental organizations, the public and residents served by community water systems in disadvantaged communities, state small water systems, and domestic wells. The Group meets up to four time a year at locations throughout California to provide many opportunities for public and community input. All meetings are widely publicized, open to the public, and offer translation services. View the meeting at https://video.calepa.ca.gov/ Interpretación en español disponible


Webinar | Managing Agriculture Employee Fatigue [SPANISH]

Webinar Only

La fatiga es bastante común entre los trabajadores agrícolas. Además de afectar la productividad, la fatiga reduce el estado de alerta mental y físico, afecta el juicio, hace más lento el tiempo de reacción y puede aumentar la conducta de riesgo de los empleados. Operar o trabajar cerca de maquinaria y equipo agrícola es particularmente peligroso para los empleados fatigados.   Este curso explica la fatiga humana, sus efectos sobre la salud y las formas de gestionar la fatiga de los empleados en el lugar de trabajo.   Esta sesión cubre: Datos sobre la fatiga y cómo afecta la seguridad y el rendimiento de los empleados. Factores personales de salud y comportamiento de los empleados que contribuyen a la fatiga. Estrategias para manejar la fatiga de los empleados y mantener una fuerza laboral segura y productiva.   

Webinar | PA Workplace Safety Committee Certification Training

Webinar Only

 Online Webinar -  Available to members with CalMutuals JPRIMA Worker's Compensation insurance only.   This safety committee certification training webinar meets the requirements set by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and can help improve your safety program.   During this training we’ll discuss: The PA Workplace Safety Committee Certification Program requirements How to lead and operate a productive safety committee meeting How to identify workplace hazards and reduce work-related employee injury and illness How to conduct effective workplace incident investigations   To learn more or sign up:  Visit TheZenith.com, scroll down to Zenith Solution Center You can also contact us at 800-440-5020 or email ecommerce@thezenith.com

Webinar | Groundwater Wells with Iron

Webinar Only

This course Groundwater Wells with Iron is offered two times on the same day, attendees ONLY need to register once to take this course. One of the most common minerals found in groundwater wells is iron. This mineral can cause a multitude of problems including colored water, taste and odor issues, as well as potential unwanted bacteria. This workshop will cover the problems associated with iron in drinking water sources, as well as troubleshooting the best removal techniques. Mitigation for iron issues includes flushing programs, chemical oxidation with chlorine or potassium permanganate, oxidation/sedimentation, oxidation/filtration, ion exchange filtration and sequestration. Participants will learn: The iron in groundwater well basics Water distribution flushing techniques About oxidation, sedimentation and filtration Ion exchange treatment


Webinar | Groundwater Wells with Iron

Webinar Only

This course Groundwater Wells with Iron is offered two times on the same day, attendees ONLY need to register once to take this course. One of the most common minerals found in groundwater wells is iron. This mineral can cause a multitude of problems including colored water, taste and odor issues, as well as potential unwanted bacteria. This workshop will cover the problems associated with iron in drinking water sources, as well as troubleshooting the best removal techniques. Mitigation for iron issues includes flushing programs, chemical oxidation with chlorine or potassium permanganate, oxidation/sedimentation, oxidation/filtration, ion exchange filtration and sequestration. Participants will learn: The iron in groundwater well basics Water distribution flushing techniques About oxidation, sedimentation and filtration Ion exchange treatment


SAFER Summer Series: Community Workshop

Webinar Only

The State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board) invites you to attend a public workshop to learn about the Safe and Affordable Funding for Equity and Resilience (SAFER) drinking water program and the opportunities available to you and your community. The workshop will go over: Why the SAFER drinking water program was created, How the SAFER drinking water program supports communities, and How the Drinking Water Needs Assessment and Safe and Affordable Drinking Water Fund Expenditure Plan support the SAFER drinking water program. This workshop will also provide an opportunity for State Water Board staff to hear from participants about water in their communities. To join online, use the following link: bit.ly/SAFERWorkshop To join by phone, call (669) 900-9128 and use meeting ID # 980 4090 2039.


Webinar | Arsenic Rule Compliance

Webinar Only

Since the arsenic maximum contaminant level was lowered from 50 ppb to 10 ppb in 2001, water systems have been scrambling to comply with this more stringent standard. For many small water systems, compliance with the Arsenic Rule has been a significant technological, financial, and operational challenge. This online learning event is intended to provide a small water system with “roadmap” to Arsenic Rule compliance. We will begin with review of the requirements of the Arsenic Rule. We will then explore non-treatment options for compliance, which are almost always less costly than treatment. We will then assess the pros and cons of several of the most common arsenic treatment technologies. Participants will learn: The health effects of arsenic in water Non-treatment options for Arsenic Rule compliance An overview of the most used arsenic treatment technologies Practical considerations when choosing an arsenic treatment system


Webinar | Dealing with Nitrates Contamination

Webinar Only

Worldwide, nitrates are the most common chemical contaminant in groundwater aquifers. In 1980, nine drinking water wells in California had unsafe levels of nitrates. By 2007, this acute contamination had spread to more than 648 wells. Nitrates continue to impact the health of California residents and the problem is only getting worse. This workshop will help you make informed decisions about mitigating this contaminant. Participants will learn: What nitrates are How nitrates get into drinking water The acute health effects of nitrate exposure How to achieve compliance with Safe Drinking Water Act requirements for nitrates

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