Webinar | Preventing Employee Sprains & Strains from Excessive Force

Webinar Only

Forceful exertions are performed when employees need a lot of physical effort during manual tasks, such as lifting, pushing, pulling, carrying, moving, manipulating, holding, pounding, or restraining an item. These forces can make muscles and tendons vulnerable to strain and injury.   This session covers: How excessive force is an ergonomic risk factor Common injuries caused by excessive force How to implement safety measures to prevent excessive force injuries


Webinar | Understanding Bacteriological Quality Standards (California)

Webinar Only

Providing safe and affordable drinking water to customers is the primary objective of any drinking water system. Routine monitoring for bacterial contamination is one of the most effective indicators of a potentially hazardous condition in your system. Although waterborne disease outbreaks are relatively uncommon in the United States, the threat can be deadly. Missed routine and repeat samples are costly in many ways including time, lab fees, penalties, and consumer confidence, not to mention the health risk to the public. Join us to learn or review the bacteriological standards required by both California State Total Coliform Rule (TCR) and Federal Revised Total Coliform Rule (RTCR). This workshop will address public water system standards for ensuring bacteriological quality through monitoring and reporting. Participants will learn: The importance of total coliform as an indicator of water quality Compliance with California state and federal bacteriological quality monitoring and reporting regulations Public Notification requirements Triggers and follow-up for Level 1 and Level 2 assessments


Webinar | Introduction to the Activated Sludge Control Process for Grade 1 and 2 Wastewater Operators in Hawaii

Webinar Only

Attending this training will provide the students with several basic wastewater technologies and other advanced technologies used to control conventional activated sludge (CAS) and smaller activated sludge package treatments plants. Technologies that will be reviewed will include F/M MCRT other process control technologies including wastewater mathematics. 


Webinar | Drought Contingency Planning and Water Conservation (California)

Webinar Only

Although the Governor announced that the drought state of emergency ended, we are now transitioning to a permanent framework to make water conservation a California way of life. Current prohibitions against wasteful water use practices and requirements for monthly water use reporting remain in place. Planning for drought conditions is essential to ensure water supply for public health and safety; and to minimize impacts on economics, environment and lifestyle. This workshop will cover how to plan for drought to reduce the vulnerability water system. Knowing how much water you have and use plays a huge role in drought preparedness and water conservation. Learn how to monitor for drought and lessons learned from the past. Understand the challenges of small systems, and how to keep up with current and new drought/conservation regulations. Participants will learn: Where to find climate information How to determine triggers for different drought stages Best practices to reduce water use, making water conservation a way of life in your community How to develop a drought management plan and obtain public buy-in Useful tools and resources to keep up with current and new regulations  


Webinar | Board Roles and Responsibilities (California)

Webinar Only

There are many responsibilities attached to serving on a water authority board. Many board members are unaware of the scope and breadth of these responsibilities, which range from fiscal responsibility to environmental compliance, ethics, avoiding conflicts of interest, and familiarity with state and federal laws.   This workshop will give participants the information and resources they need to understand a board's legal responsibilities and become proactive and informed board members.  Participants will learn: Why a public drinking water supply system must operate as a viable business The concept of capacity development Technical, Managerial, and Financial (TMF) elements and how each of the TMF elements are interrelated The key legal responsibilities of governing bodies in the oversight of a water utility Board practices that can help water boards stay informed and respond proactively


Webinar | Board Roles and Responsibilities (California)

Webinar Only

There are many responsibilities attached to serving on a water authority board. Many board members are unaware of the scope and breadth of these responsibilities, which range from fiscal responsibility to environmental compliance, ethics, avoiding conflicts of interest, and familiarity with state and federal laws.   This workshop will give participants the information and resources they need to understand a board's legal responsibilities and become proactive and informed board members.    Participants will learn:      Why a public drinking water supply system must operate as a viable business The concept of capacity development Technical, Managerial and Financial (TMF) elements and how each of the TMF elements are interrelated The key legal responsibilities of governing bodies in the oversight of a water utility Board practices that can help water boards stay informed and respond proactively


Setting Effective Rates & Accessing Funding

Webinar Only

Workshop participants will learn how to assess revenue requirements, identify the community’s financial priorities, and build rates that fit your situation and objectives.

Webinar | Cross Connection Control Planning for Tribal Systems in New Mexico

Webinar Only

This learning event will provide water system operators the tools to develop and implement cross connection control plans. Participants will learn:      Skills and resources necessary to protect connections between the water system from any source of pollution or contamination due to backsiphonage or back pressure to ensure that water quality standards and public health are maintained       A step-by-step walk through of the components of a Cross Connection Control Program including authorities, policies and ordinances       Accepting cross connection control assemblies        Conducting surveys for cross connections in the system       Installing backflow prevention       Training personnel to improve knowledge about Cross Connection Program implementation, enforcement and recordkeeping

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