RCAC: Storage & Distribution

Webinar Only

Storage & Distribution Date & Time: August 31, 2022 | 2:00 - 4:00PM  Description: This module presents the varying operation of water storage systems and distribution piping. The distribution and storage systems are the unrecognized backbone of any water system. However, due to its inconspicuous nature, problems are seldom realized, and maintenance is seemingly nonexistent. The fact is that most bacteriological contamination takes place in the distribution system. This alone should be enough to warrant prudent maintenance of piping and valves and storage tanks in the system. Through purposeful flushing procedures and adequate planning, system downtime can be minimized and water quality can be improved. This workshop will give participants the information and resources they need to understand proper operation and maintenance of their storage and distribution systems. This is a free training. Participants will learn:  Common components and types of water distribution system piping and storage Maintenance guidelines and programs that reduce long-term expenditures Possible pathways to reduce contamination Inspection and record-keeping procedures that improve water quality Recommended Audience: system operators, new board members and those considering becoming certified operators of a water system. Location: This training will be hosted online on GoToTraining.  Registration: You must be registered prior to […]


RCAC: Pathogens in Drinking Water

Webinar Only

Description: Disease outbreaks in water systems are rare, but they can and do happen. There are hundreds of known disease-causing organisms that can contaminate water, and new ones being discovered every day. Even 40 years ago, pathogens like Giardia were not believed to be harmful to humans. Participants will learn: Types of disease-causing organisms that are of concern for water systems Regulations addressing contamination How to operate and maintain your water systems to minimize the possibility of microbial contamination Accreditation: 2 California Drinking Water Contact Hours awarded. Contact hours have been approved for the Registered Environmental Health Specialist Program.

RCAC: Coliform Sampling Procedures

Webinar Only

Description: Sampling for total coliforms and E. coli in the water system is one of the most important things an operator can do. The new Revised Total Coliform Rule (RTCR) effective April 2016 affects every public water system. These revisions to the Total Coliform Rule will affect how operators and managers respond to total coliform positives (TC+) and require steps to analyze the integrity of the system as a result of positive samples. Investigation and corrective actions are at the forefront of the RTCR, and knowing how to complete a level 1 assessment can be the difference between compliance and violation. This workshop will focus on reviewing triggers for level 1 and level 2 assessments and who is expected to perform them; how to conduct an assessment with examples and small group exercises. Participants will learn: Learning topics gathered from Trainer New procedures for the month following a TC+ What to do if you have a positive E. coli result When an assessment of system is needed How to complete a level 1 assessment of your system Tips on system inspection/investigation Accreditation: 2 California Drinking Water Contract Hours awarded. Contact hours have been approved for the Registered Environmental Health Specialist […]

RCAC: Do the Math 4-Part Series: Operator Math 102: The Basics

Webinar Only

The Do the Math 4-Part Series: September 15 | Operator Math 201: Applied Math Problems 10:00AM-12:00PM | Click here to register September 22 | Operator Math 301: Advanced Math Problems 10:00AM-12:00PM | Click here to register Description: At a minimum, every public water system regardless of size and complexity requires a certified water distribution operator. In addition, those systems using treatment also must have an operator that holds a water treatment operator certification. The most significant hurdle for many grade 1 and grade 2 operators in passing the operator certification exam, however, is the math portion of the test. Typically, the math section of the certification exam constitutes about 35% of the total exam score so proficiency in math is necessary to pass the test. The math included in the first three sessions is based on the expected-range-of-knowledge for the California distribution D1/D2 exams. Operator Math 301 is targeted to the grade 3/4 level exams. The target learner for this training wants (and needs) one specific thing: the ability to accurately calculate operator certification exam math questions. Accordingly, the learning event design focuses solely on this need. This training is not designed for “contact hours “or participant “entertainment”. This is a hands-on training with an expectation […]

SAFER Advisory Group Meeting #3

Webinar Only

The Safe and Affordable Funding for Equity and Resilience (SAFER) Advisory Group will hold its third meeting of 2022. A quorum of State Water Resources Control Board members may be present, but no action will be taken. SAFER Program: Advisory Group Meeting September 9, 2022 | 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Remote Participation Only PURPOSE This meeting will bring together the SAFER Advisory Group to discuss items on the following agenda. Items on this agenda are numbered for identification purposes only; the SAFER Advisory Group may consider the items out of the listed order. AGENDA 1. Draft Fund Expenditure Plan 2. Strategy for Domestic Wells and State Small Water Systems 3. Point of Use and Point of Entry (POU/POE) White Paper 4. Public Comment 5. SAFER Program Updates 6. Advisory Group Member Announcements

EFCN: Water System Infrastructure Financing

Webinar Only

Tuesday, September 13, 2022 | 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM PST What is involved in providing improvements to a public water system? EFCN staff with project management experience will talk about the major funding sources to finance a capital improvement project and describe the process from initial planning to construction of the improvement. Who Should attend: Managers, owners, and operators of water systems serving less than 10,000 people, or wastewater systems with an average daily flow of less than 1 million gallons Decision-makers for water and wastewater utilities, including mayors, finance officers, utility managers, public works directors, city councilors, board members, tribal council members, and clerks Consultants and technical assistance providers serving water and wastewater systems REGISTER HERE

RCAC: Hydrant Installation

Webinar Only

Description: A crucial part of any Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) is to follow through and complete tasks planned. One of these tasks is the replacement and/or installation of new fire hydrants. This workshop will outline the steps necessary to install wet barrel and dry barrel fire hydrants. This includes the initial planning, the installation itself and steps that may need to be taken upon completion of the installation. Participants will learn: CIP overview Planning for fire hydrant installation Fire hydrant installation Recommended steps to follow upon completion of new hydrant installation Who should attend: water system operators, maintenance staff and managers. Accreditation: 2 California Drinking Water Contact Hours awarded. Contact hours have been approved for the Registered Environmental Health Specialist Program. 

RCAC: Hydrant Installation

Webinar Only

Description: A crucial part of any Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) is to follow through and complete tasks planned. One of these tasks is the replacement and/or installation of new fire hydrants. This workshop will outline the steps necessary to install wet barrel and dry barrel fire hydrants. This includes the initial planning, the installation itself and steps that may need to be taken upon completion of the installation. Participants will learn: CIP overview Planning for fire hydrant installation Fire hydrant installation Recommended steps to follow upon completion of new hydrant installation Who should attend: water system operators, maintenance staff and managers. Accreditation: 2 California Drinking Water Contact Hours awarded. Contact hours have been approved for the Registered Environmental Health Specialist Program. 

RCAC: Creating Operation & Maintenance Plans

University of California Merced, Extension Education Building 2145 Wardrobe Avenue, Merced, CA, United States

Creating Operation & Maintenance Plans Date & Time: September 14, 2022 | 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM  Location: University of Merced, Extension Education Building (2145 Wardrobe Ave. Merced, CA 95341) Description: Your only licensed operator has just left town due to a family emergency, and handed you the phone number of a certified operator in the next town. Will the substitute operator know how your system works and what needs to be done on a daily basis to keep it safe and in compliance? A properly prepared Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Plan is one of a water purveyor’s most important documents. The O&M Plan is a “living” document that explains how a public water system is to be operated and maintained on a day-to-day basis to ensure public health, safety, and compliance with applicable regulations. In addition to being an important training tool for new staff, the O&M manual serves as a practical handbook by which a qualified substitute operator can operate and maintain the system in a safe and reliable manner in absence of the system’s primary operator. This is a free training. Participants will learn: The vital elements that comprise an O&M Plan The most important tools needed for […]


RCAC: Rate Setting & Financial Management

Webinar Only

Description: There are many responsibilities associated with water systems. Many residents, board members and operators are not aware of the scope of a water system’s fiduciary responsibilities. Improved understanding of the true cost of water and how to ensure water systems are meeting their fiduciary responsibilities are key to ensure water systems remain viable. Participants will learn about basic financial management and rate setting principles all water systems should be aware of and actively implementing. Participants will learn how to establish a rate structure based on the true cost of producing and delivering water. Who should attend: utility general managers, board members, operators, financial analysts for small water systems and small water system customers interested in learning more about the financial responsibilities and decisions small water systems must make to keep the service afloat. Accreditation: 4 California Drinking Water Contact Hours awarded

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