
Find Your LegislatorBelow are the bills impacting mutuals that our staff is currently tracking:

AB 1794 (C. Garcia) Municipal Water Districts: Board of Directors   To download the sample template letter of support for AB 1794, click here.

AB 2059 (E. Garcia) Junk dealers and recyclers: nonferrous materials

AB 2099 (M. Stone) Safe drinking water assistance program

SB 814 (Hill) Drought: excessive water use: urban retail water suppliers

SB 919 (Hertzberg) Water supply: creation or augmentation of local water supplies

SB 949 (Jackson) Emergency services: critical infrastructure information

SB 995 (Pavley) Well standards

SB 1112 (Cannella) Utilities: water and sewage systems corporations: transactions

SB 1263 (Wieckowski) Public water system: permits

SB 1456 (Galgiani) Safe Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Law of 1997: public water systems: financing

We will be monitoring these bills and alerting our members as to their impact on mutuals.

Click here to download the 2016 CalMutuals Bill Tracker




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