Webinar | EPA’s Small Water System Webinar Series

Webinar Only

Please note that for this webinar, attendees can only listen with computer audio and will not be able to call into the webinar using a phone line. This change has been made to allow more people to attend the webinar. For additional information on the webinar you are registering for, visit EPA’s Small Systems Monthly Webinar Series (https://www.epa.gov/water-research/small-systems-monthly-webinar-series). EPA’s Office of Research and Development and Office of Water host this monthly webinar series to discuss challenges and treatment solutions for small drinking water systems and communicate current small drinking water systems research along with Agency priorities. It is EPA's policy to make reasonable accommodation to persons with disabilities wishing to participate in the Agency's programs and activities, pursuant to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 29 U.S.C. 791. Any request for accommodation should be made to Michelle Latham at latham.michelle@epa.gov in advance of the webinar. For future viewing, a closed-captioned recording of the webinar will be made available on EPA’s YouTube site.

Webinar | The Building Blocks of Successful Construction Symposium Part 1/2

Webinar Only

This course is now offered as an online training. It is recommended to take both parts on the same day.  Part 1, Your Construction Toolkit will take place from 10:00am to 12:00pm and Part 2, SAFER Building Blocks will take place from 2:00pm to 4:00pm. Please follow the links below to register for each part separately.  Your water system has needed improvements for quite some time. Necessary improvements may include a main line extension, hydrant replacement/installations, a new storage tank, an upgrade to the water source or other component replacement/extension. A successful project begins with team development, funding and planning. The team may include a board member, it will include management, operations, office staff, the state health department, funder(s), a competent engineer and contractors that have been thoroughly vetted. Join this workshop where the trainer and participants will share their experiences and discuss how to build your own construction toolkit.   Participants will learn: County and state encroachment permitting Proper notification of other utilities when digging during projects Regular “check in” meetings with all involved parties Routine project inspections, including regular “walk by” inspections Developing the proper professional relationship with all involved parties to achieve your goals


Webinar | The Building Blocks of Successful Construction Symposium Part 2/2

Webinar Only

This course is now offered as an online training. It is recommended to take both parts on the same day.  Part 1, Your Construction Toolkit will take place from 10:00am to 12:00pm and Part 2, SAFER Building Blocks will take place from 2:00pm to 4:00pm. Please follow the links below to register for each part separately.  Successful projects start with advanced planning, knowledge of what funding is available, and understanding the steps needed to complete the process. Join us as we explore California funding options and what you need to prepare in order to successfully advance your project to the finish line.   Participants will learn: How to prepare for project funding What funding sources are available Common issues with funding applications Where to find project funding resources  


Webinar | California Workers’ Compensation Advanced

Webinar Only

Online Webinar -  Available to members with CalMutuals JPRIMA Worker's Compensation insurance only.   California workers' compensation rules and regulations are often complex and can be challenging. In this advanced training webinar, attendees will gain a better understanding of how to handle some of these issues.   This California-focused session covers: Workers’ compensation statute of limitations Claim compensability Medical utilization review Permanent disability ratings Apportionment and contribution Claim settlement and liens Subrogation procedures Claim reserving and unit stat filings To learn more or sign up:  Visit TheZenith.com, scroll down to Zenith Solution Center. You can also contact us at 800-440-5020 or email ecommerce@thezenith.com

Webinar | All Terrain (ATV) & Rough Terrain Vehicle (RTV) Safety Management

Webinar Only

Online Webinar -  Available to members with CalMutuals JPRIMA Worker's Compensation insurance only.   ATVs and RTVs are a popular employee transportation substitute for pickup trucks, four-wheel drive vehicles and even walking. Unfortunately, ATV/RTV use can result in severe injury or fatality. This webinar highlights key ATV/RTV hazards and outlines best practices to effectively manage your ATV/RTV Safety Program.   This session provides: Common ATV/RTV related employee injuries ATV/RTV definitions and differences Employer and employee responsibilities ATV/ RTV training program elements Safe operation To learn more or sign up:  Visit TheZenith.com, scroll down to Zenith Solution Center. You can also contact us at 800-440-5020 or email ecommerce@thezenith.com

Webinar | Operations Plans

Webinar Only

This course Operations Plan is offered two times on the same day, attendees ONLY need to register once to take this course. Your only licensed operator has just left town due to a family emergency and handed you the phone number of a certified operator in the next town. Will the substitute operator know how your system works and what needs to be done daily to keep it safe and in compliance? A properly prepared Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Plan is one of a water purveyor’s most important documents. The O&M Plan is a “living” document that explains how a public water system is to be operated and maintained on a day-to-day basis to ensure public health, safety and compliance with applicable regulations. In addition to being an important training tool for new staff, the O&M manual serves as a practical handbook by which a qualified substitute operator can operate and maintain the system in a safe and reliable manner in absence of the system’s primary operator. Participants will learn: Vital elements that comprise an O&M Plan The two most important tools needed for developing an O&M Plan Policies and procedures for keeping your O&M Plan updated About free resources […]


Webinar | Operations Plans

Webinar Only

This course Operations Plan is offered two times on the same day, attendees ONLY need to register once to take this course. Your only licensed operator has just left town due to a family emergency and handed you the phone number of a certified operator in the next town. Will the substitute operator know how your system works and what needs to be done daily to keep it safe and in compliance? A properly prepared Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Plan is one of a water purveyor’s most important documents. The O&M Plan is a “living” document that explains how a public water system is to be operated and maintained on a day-to-day basis to ensure public health, safety and compliance with applicable regulations. In addition to being an important training tool for new staff, the O&M manual serves as a practical handbook by which a qualified substitute operator can operate and maintain the system in a safe and reliable manner in absence of the system’s primary operator. Participants will learn: Vital elements that comprise an O&M Plan The two most important tools needed for developing an O&M Plan Policies and procedures for keeping your O&M Plan updated About free resources […]


Webinar | AB54 & AB240: Ethics for Mutual Water Company Board Members

Webinar Only

By law, all mutual water board members are required to have two hours of ethics training within six months of taking office and every six years following. This training is designed to provide system longevity and help ensure that board members meet their legal responsibilities. Required training topics include conflicts of interest, fiduciary responsibilities, Safe Drinking Water Act compliance, long-term management and capital improvement planning. We will also cover the AB240 requirements, which affect mutual water systems as of January 1, 2014. This workshop allows mutual water systems to comply with this new regulation and helps prepare them to better govern their water company. This workshop meets the legal requirement for board members ethics training under AB54. Participants will learn: Requirements of AB54 and AB240 Financial conflicts of interest to avoid About strategic planning Financial responsibilities Capital improvement planning How to comply with the Safe Drinking Water Act


Webinar | Tractor and Farm Implement Safety Management

 Online Webinar -  Available to members with CalMutuals JPRIMA Worker's Compensation insurance only.   Every year farm tractor incidents result in serious disabling injuries and loss of life.  This webinar highlights key tractor related hazards and outlines best practices to effectively manage your Farm Tractor Safety Program.    This session provides: Common tractor related employee injuries Employer and employee responsibilities Tractor training program elements Safe operation Regulatory requirements To learn more or sign up:  Visit TheZenith.com, scroll down to Zenith Solution Center. You can also contact us at 800-440-5020 or email ecommerce@thezenith.com

Webinar | Zenith Vendor Discount Program: Special Pricing on COVID-19 and Other Safety Products

Webinar Only

 Online Webinar -  Available to members with CalMutuals JPRIMA Worker's Compensation insurance only.   Zenith has arranged discounts with external vendors for safety and risk control-related product and services, to help reduce workplace injuries and workers’ compensation claims and costs.  Exclusive pricing is available for Zenith policyholders. Learn about the program, its participating vendors and product/service offerings.   This webinar also spotlights one of Zenith’s Vendor Discount Program participants. Threadworx is a distributor of safety an promotional products including a full line of infection control supplies, personal protective equipment and other general safety items.   This session covers: Vendor Discount Program overview Program benefits How the program works Participating vendors and how they can assist How to place orders, receive discounts, and get more information Threadworx product offerings and discount To learn more or sign up:  Visit TheZenith.com, scroll down to Zenith Solution Center. You can also contact us at 800-440-5020 or email ecommerce@thezenith.com

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