Webinar | Asset Management and Capital Improvement Planning Part 1/2

Webinar Only

This course is now offered as an online training. It is recommended to take both parts on the same day.  Part 1, will take place from 10:00am to 12:00pm and Part 2, will take place from 2:00pm to 4:00pm. Please follow the links below to register for each part separately.   For any water utility, even a very small water system, asset management (e.g. water tanks, pumps, computers, buildings, etc.) plays a significant role in the overall financial performance and sustainability of the water system. With proper planning, the useful life of equipment can be extended, emergencies can be avoided, and overall costs will be reduced. A capital improvement plan (CIP) prioritizes the replacement or installation of infrastructure assets. It includes the forecasting and budgeting of capital outlay and is an integral part of the budgeting and rate-setting process for even very small water systems. Participants will learn: Inventory assets Prioritize project Analyze funding options Develop a CIP Reserve Fund Budget to support the CIP/Asset Management Plan


Webinar | Asset Management and Capital Improvement Planning Part 2/2

Webinar Only

This course is now offered as an online training. It is recommended to take both parts on the same day.  Part 1, will take place from 10:00am to 12:00pm and Part 2, will take place from 2:00pm to 4:00pm. Please follow the links below to register for each part separately.   For any water utility, even a very small water system, asset management (e.g. water tanks, pumps, computers, buildings, etc.) plays a significant role in the overall financial performance and sustainability of the water system. With proper planning, the useful life of equipment can be extended, emergencies can be avoided, and overall costs will be reduced. A capital improvement plan (CIP) prioritizes the replacement or installation of infrastructure assets. It includes the forecasting and budgeting of capital outlay and is an integral part of the budgeting and rate-setting process for even very small water systems. Participants will learn: Inventory assets Prioritize project Analyze funding options Develop a CIP Reserve Fund Budget to support the CIP/Asset Management Plan


Webinar | SAFER: Cost Assessment Model Preliminary Results and Gap Analysis

Webinar Only

Register/Inscríbase HERE PURPOSE: This workshop will provide an opportunity for stakeholders to learn about and contribute to the State Water Board’s development of the Cost Assessment model and Gap Analysis. AGENDA Items on this Agenda are numbered for identification purposes only. Overview of Needs Assessment and Cost Assessment Preliminary results from the Cost Assessment of long-term solutions for systems on the Human Right to Water (HR2W) list and those that are At-Risk Overview of the funding Gap Analysis methodology Public Feedback Cost Assessment Model Preliminary Results and Gap Analysis: The focus of this webinar is to seek public feedback on the preliminary results of the Cost Assessment model and proposed methodology for the Gap Analysis. The Cost Assessment is evaluating various solutions (i.e., consolidation, treatment, etc.) for systems on the Human Right to Water (HR2W) list and those that are At-Risk. The results of the Cost Assessment will be used to evaluate the potential gap in available funding to support the implantation of solutions for the systems evaluated. The presenters will solicit feedback on proposed methodology and the specific assessments that will make-up the Gap Analyses.   PROPÓSITO: Este taller brindará a todos los interesados la oportunidad de averiguar sobre la […]


Webinar | Recruitment & Retention

Webinar Only

This course Recruitment & Retention is offered two times on the same day, attendees ONLY need to register once to take this course.  Your water operator, office staff or manager has just given their notice and they are moving on to another job. They have been there for years and know the system history, where all the (hidden) valves/meters are, and developed relationships with all entities required to manage or operate a public water system. The powers that be (local government and/or management) may be wondering, “What could we have done to prevent this employee from seeking other employment?” and “How do we go about hiring someone to replace this valuable resource?” This workshop will utilize the trainer’s and participant’s experiences to explore these conundrums. Participants will learn: About advertising, interviewing and hiring of water system managers, office staff and operators The resources available to assist with hiring good people About budgeting to acquire and retain competent staff How to use staff evaluations to help with retention longevity How to retain excellent staff (hint, it’s not always about the money!)  


Webinar | Recruitment & Retention

Webinar Only

This course Recruitment & Retention is offered two times on the same day, attendees ONLY need to register once to take this course.  Your water operator, office staff or manager has just given their notice and they are moving on to another job. They have been there for years and know the system history, where all the (hidden) valves/meters are, and developed relationships with all entities required to manage or operate a public water system. The powers that be (local government and/or management) may be wondering, “What could we have done to prevent this employee from seeking other employment?” and “How do we go about hiring someone to replace this valuable resource?” This workshop will utilize the trainer’s and participant’s experiences to explore these conundrums. Participants will learn: About advertising, interviewing and hiring of water system managers, office staff and operators The resources available to assist with hiring good people About budgeting to acquire and retain competent staff How to use staff evaluations to help with retention longevity How to retain excellent staff (hint, it’s not always about the money!)  


Webinar | Safety Manager’s Guide to Workers’ Compensation Insurance

Webinar Only

 Online Webinar -  Available to members with CalMutuals JPRIMA Worker's Compensation insurance only.   Understanding workers’ compensation insurance can help employers better manage work-related employee injuries and control associated costs.   This session covers: Workers’ compensation insurance coverage and exceptions Insurance premium calculations and experience modifiers Reducing the risk of employee injuries Common workers’ compensation terms  To learn more or sign up:  Visit TheZenith.com, scroll down to Zenith Solution Center. You can also contact us at 800-440-5020 or email ecommerce@thezenith.com

Webinar | Pumps & Motors Troubleshooting Part 1/2

Webinar Only

This course is now offered as an online training. It is recommended to take both parts on the same day.  Part 1 will take place from 10:00am to 12:00pm and Part 2 will take place from 2:00pm to 4:00pm. Please follow the links below to register for each part separately.  How many times has this happened to you? You discover that one of your pumps is not performing like you think it should, or it won’t run at all. What are your next steps? When should you call in an expert? These questions and more will be answered in the Pumps and Motor Troubleshooting session. This will be a crash course in the most common pumping and electrical system issues that could leave you out of water. Participants will learn: Electric motor troubleshooting and common issues Basic types of centrifugal pumps and their characteristics How to calculate TDH in a fluid pumping system How to calculate friction loss How to read pump curves Centrifugal pump performance testing and troubleshooting techniques


Webinar | Pumps & Motors Troubleshooting Part 2/2

Webinar Only

This course is now offered as an online training. It is recommended to take both parts on the same day.  Part 1 will take place from 10:00am to 12:00pm and Part 2 will take place from 2:00pm to 4:00pm. Please follow the links below to register for each part separately.  How many times has this happened to you? You discover that one of your pumps is not performing like you think it should, or it won’t run at all. What are your next steps? When should you call in an expert? These questions and more will be answered in the Pumps and Motor Troubleshooting session. This will be a crash course in the most common pumping and electrical system issues that could leave you out of water. Participants will learn: Electric motor troubleshooting and common issues Basic types of centrifugal pumps and their characteristics How to calculate TDH in a fluid pumping system How to calculate friction loss How to read pump curves Centrifugal pump performance testing and troubleshooting techniques


Webinar | EPA’s Small Water System Webinar Series

Webinar Only

Please note that for this webinar, attendees can only listen with computer audio and will not be able to call into the webinar using a phone line. This change has been made to allow more people to attend the webinar. For additional information on the webinar you are registering for, visit EPA’s Small Systems Monthly Webinar Series (https://www.epa.gov/water-research/small-systems-monthly-webinar-series). EPA’s Office of Research and Development and Office of Water host this monthly webinar series to discuss challenges and treatment solutions for small drinking water systems and communicate current small drinking water systems research along with Agency priorities. It is EPA's policy to make reasonable accommodation to persons with disabilities wishing to participate in the Agency's programs and activities, pursuant to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 29 U.S.C. 791. Any request for accommodation should be made to Michelle Latham at latham.michelle@epa.gov in advance of the webinar. For future viewing, a closed-captioned recording of the webinar will be made available on EPA’s YouTube site.

Webinar | The Building Blocks of Successful Construction Symposium Part 1/2

Webinar Only

This course is now offered as an online training. It is recommended to take both parts on the same day.  Part 1, Your Construction Toolkit will take place from 10:00am to 12:00pm and Part 2, SAFER Building Blocks will take place from 2:00pm to 4:00pm. Please follow the links below to register for each part separately.  Your water system has needed improvements for quite some time. Necessary improvements may include a main line extension, hydrant replacement/installations, a new storage tank, an upgrade to the water source or other component replacement/extension. A successful project begins with team development, funding and planning. The team may include a board member, it will include management, operations, office staff, the state health department, funder(s), a competent engineer and contractors that have been thoroughly vetted. Join this workshop where the trainer and participants will share their experiences and discuss how to build your own construction toolkit.   Participants will learn: County and state encroachment permitting Proper notification of other utilities when digging during projects Regular “check in” meetings with all involved parties Routine project inspections, including regular “walk by” inspections Developing the proper professional relationship with all involved parties to achieve your goals

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