EFCN: Are Your Rates Too High? Wastewater Rate Affordability and Setting the Right Rates for your System

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Description: This webinar will help you ensure the financial stability of your wastewater system while providing safe, quality service at fair rates. We will focus on understanding different types of costs for wastewater systems, how systems can select rate setting objectives and match those with appropriate rate structures, as well as best practices for rate setting and design. Learning Objectives: Develop rate setting objectives Determine the cost of providing wastewater service Anticipate changes in revenues year-to-year by changes in use Measure the affordability of rates for all of your customers Create rate structures that reflect your rate setting objectives Presenter: Dr. Jason Barrett, Associate Professor, Mississippi State University Extension Service/Mississippi Water Resources Research Institute REGISTER HERE

WaterNow Alliance: Leveraging Capital Markets to Accelerate Lead Service Line Replacements

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The new $15 billion in federal funding for lead service line replacements, as vital and historic as it is, is dwarfed by the estimated $47 billion need to address this public health crisis, one that affects primarily the most vulnerable and needy among us, often people of color. It is possible for local water leaders to close this funding gap. WaterNow Alliance and Environmental Policy Innovation Center will host a 1-hour virtual webinar for utility and community leaders nationwide on how they can access capital markets to maximize access to federal funding and accelerate the rate of lead line replacements on private property. The webinar has 5 objectives: 1. Highlight the One Water and multiple community benefits of replacing lead service lines, particularly on private properties where they are the most prevalent and most likely to be harming disadvantaged households and communities of color. 2. Feature perspectives from capital market investors about their interest in investing in lead service line replacement programs as a sound investment and to accelerate these needed replacements and protect public health. 3. Equip participants with the knowledge of how to leverage local financing approaches to maximize access to federal dollars and accelerate the pace of […]

EFCN: Operator Certification: Study Tips and Test Preparation

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Join EFCN for this webinar series designed to help small wastewater system operators pass their certification exams. The series starts with a 1-hour overview of study tips and test preparation techniques. Each subsequent 1-hour webinar will focus on a single topic typically found in Level 1 and Level 2 exams including, but not limited to: Collection Systems, Treatment Overviews, Disinfection and Solids Handling Basics, NPDES Regulations, Wastewater Math, Safety, Sampling and Reporting and other general wastewater topics. Each session will include sample questions and a short Q and A period. While this series is primarily focused on helping new operators achieve their Level 1 and 2 certifications, currently certified operators looking to pass higher level tests can also benefit from attendance as higher-level certification tests are cumulative and typically cover basic as well as advanced treatment topics. Session 1: This session focuses on practical study and test preparation methods that can help wastewater operators testing for their initial and higher-level certifications. We will also cover a variety of available resources and discuss test-day techniques including time management, and question analysis that can help test takers achieve positive outcomes. Presenter: James Markham, Research Engineer, Southwest Environmental Finance Center

EFCN: Operator Certification: Collections Systems

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Join EFCN for this webinar series designed to help small wastewater system operators pass their certification exams. The series starts with a 1-hour overview of study tips and test preparation techniques. Each subsequent 1-hour webinar will focus on a single topic typically found in Level 1 and Level 2 exams including, but not limited to: Collection Systems, Treatment Overviews, Disinfection and Solids Handling Basics, NPDES Regulations, Wastewater Math, Safety, Sampling and Reporting and other general wastewater topics. Each session will include sample questions and a short Q and A period. While this series is primarily focused on helping new operators achieve their Level 1 and 2 certifications, currently certified operators looking to pass higher level tests can also benefit from attendance as higher-level certification tests are cumulative and typically cover basic as well as advanced treatment topics. Session 2: This session focusses on typical wastewater collection system test topics including gravity system layout, design requirements, cleaning and maintenance, lift stations, manholes, maps, piping and joints, and service connections. Presenter: James Markham, Research Engineer, Southwest Environmental Finance Center

ASDWA – Session 4 – Service Line Material Field Validations

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ASDWA is pleased to announce our free webinar series: Implementation Tools and Best Practices for Lead Service Line Inventories and Replacements. This webinar series is intended for those in the water industry who are working to #gettheleadout, starting with the identification of lead service lines and the completion of EPA's lead service line inventory requirement. The topic for the fourth session of this will cover field validations of service line materials. Webinar details will be updated as speakers are finalized.

CWSRF Webinar Series: Changes to the SRF With Additional Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) Funds

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Session 2: The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law brought a massive influx of money to the State Revolving Fund programs: $12.7 billion for Clean Water and $35.7 billion for Drinking Water. With this new money also come regulations to support communities who might previously have been unable to secure SRF funds for critical infrastructure improvements and environmental protection. In session 2 of our CWSRF webinar series, we will discuss what these changes mean, particularly for disadvantaged and low-income communities, and what these communities should expect from SRF loans and grants. Presenters: Heather Himmelberger, Director; and Shannon Pepper, Research Scientist, Southwest Environmental Finance Center Who Should Attend:  Managers, owners, and operators of wastewater systems Decision-makers for wastewater utilities, including mayors, finance officers, utility managers, public works directors, city councilors, board members, tribal council members, and clerks Consultants and technical assistance providers serving wastewater systems

EFCN: Operator Certification: Wastewater Treatment Overview

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Join EFCN for this webinar series designed to help small wastewater system operators pass their certification exams. The series starts with a 1-hour overview of study tips and test preparation techniques. Each subsequent 1-hour webinar will focus on a single topic typically found in Level 1 and Level 2 exams including, but not limited to: Collection Systems, Treatment Overviews, Disinfection and Solids Handling Basics, NPDES Regulations, Wastewater Math, Safety, Sampling and Reporting and other general wastewater topics. Each session will include sample questions and a short Q and A period. While this series is primarily focused on helping new operators achieve their Level 1 and 2 certifications, currently certified operators looking to pass higher level tests can also benefit from attendance as higher-level certification tests are cumulative and typically cover basic as well as advanced treatment topics. Session 3: This session will focus on a general overview of wastewater treatment and the goals of wastewater treatment. We will cover typical treatment processes present in wastewater treatment plants and the wastewater constituents that those processes are designed to remove. We will also discuss general wastewater treatment plant information operators should understand for certification. Presenter: AJ Barney, Research Scientist, Southwest Environmental Finance Center

EFCN: Operator Certification: Disinfection and Solids Handling

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Join EFCN for this webinar series designed to help small wastewater system operators pass their certification exams. The series starts with a 1-hour overview of study tips and test preparation techniques. Each subsequent 1-hour webinar will focus on a single topic typically found in Level 1 and Level 2 exams including, but not limited to: Collection Systems, Treatment Overviews, Disinfection and Solids Handling Basics, NPDES Regulations, Wastewater Math, Safety, Sampling and Reporting and other general wastewater topics. Each session will include sample questions and a short Q and A period. While this series is primarily focused on helping new operators achieve their Level 1 and 2 certifications, currently certified operators looking to pass higher level tests can also benefit from attendance as higher-level certification tests are cumulative and typically cover basic as well as advanced treatment topics. Session 4: This session will focus on typical disinfection and solids handling processes used in wastewater treatment and how they fit into the overall treatment process. We will discuss how the most common disinfection processes work, the operator’s role in disinfection and the support systems needed for them to treat wastewater effectively. We will discuss the various ways to handle solids removed from wastewater […]

ASDWA LSLI/LSLR Series #5 – Technical Assistance Options

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ASDWA is pleased to announce our free webinar series: Implementation Tools and Best Practices for Lead Service Line Inventories and Replacements. This webinar series is intended for those in the water industry who are working to #gettheleadout, starting with the identification of lead service lines and the completion of EPA's lead service line inventory requirement. The topic for the fifth session of this webinar will go over a variety of technical assistance opportunities. Webinar details will be updated as speakers are finalized.

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EPA's Cybersecurity Assessment Training for Primacy Agencies Webinar Part 1: March 14, 2023, 12:00 – 3:00pm Part 2: March 16, 2023, 12:00 – 3:00pm This two-part webinar training for Primacy Agencies will review EPA’s Memorandum on “Addressing PWS Cybersecurity in Sanitary Surveys or Alternate Process” to include implementation options and resources available. Attendees are encouraged to attend both Part One and Part Two of the series. REGISTER HERE

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