Webinar | Asset Management for Mutual Water Companies in California

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It is becoming all too common for water systems to experience system failures resulting in outages or non-compliance issues caused by underfunding reserves. One method to avoid these issues in to plan for the future, and fund reserves. Attendees will learn how to plan for the true cost of water by understanding how to develop an asset management plan to replace water system critical assets prior to failure. Participants will learn: AB54 requirements for financial reserve funds What is an asset management plan Resources for planning and developing a plan How a CIP ties into other important documents, policies and budgets This training will be hosted on GoToTraining.  

Webinar | Rate Setting for Mutual Water Companies in California

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A water system must increase rates to remain viable, maintain their infrastructure, and comply with water regulations, but yet struggled with setting service rates to build long term sustainability. Do your customers have a difficult time understanding the true value of water service? This workshop will provide creative ideas on how to educate your customers, gain their support through transparency, and adhere to the AB54 and AB240 requirements. Participants will learn: Why do a rate study How to develop a sustainable service rate to meet AB54 requirements Different types of rate structures based on your customers Importance of communication, transparency and education.  This training will be hosted on GoToTraining.

Setting Effective Rates & Accessing Funding

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Workshop participants will learn how to assess revenue requirements, identify the community’s financial priorities, and build rates that fit your situation and objectives.

Cybersecurity & Accessing Funding

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Participants will learn to recognize threats, complete a self-assessment questionnaire, and utilize the AWWA cybersecurity controls for small systems. Additionally, how to apply with USDA to get funding is covered.    

Setting Effective Rates & Accessing Funding

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Workshop participants will learn how to assess revenue requirements, identify the community’s financial priorities, and build rates that fit your situation and objectives.

Webinar | Managing Agriculture Employee Fatigue

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Fatigue is quite common among agriculture workers. In addition to affecting productivity, fatigue reduces mental and physical alertness, impairs judgment, slows reaction time, and can increase employee’s risk-taking behavior. Operating or working near farm machinery and equipment is particularly dangerous for fatigued employees.   This course explains human fatigue, its health effects, and ways to manage employee fatigue in the workplace.   This session covers: Facts about fatigue and how it affects employee safety and performance Personal employee health and behavioral factors that contribute to fatigue Strategies to manage employee fatigue and maintain a safe, productive workforce

Webinar | EPA’s Small Drinking Water Systems Webinar on Drinking Water Microbes 102

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Presentation 1: Drinking Water Microbiology 102 Bacteriology. The understanding of microorganisms has led to the many advancements in water treatment and the birth of the federal drinking water program. This presentation will explain how microbiologist use certain laboratory techniques to enumerate and study bacteria in drinking water. The presentation will delve into how the water matrix, sample collection and laboratory processing can impact the bacterial counts and recovery. (Presentation by Laura Boczek, EPA's Office of Research and Development) Presentation 2: Microbes 102: Evaluation and Approval of Methods Used to Analyze Drinking Water. This presentation is a follow up to the 2020 presentation “Microbes 101." The presentation provides an overview of the method review and approval processes of the federal drinking water regulatory program. It will describe how to locate the methods approved under each National Primary Drinking Water Regulation, how to obtain a copy of an approved method, and the different types of methods EPA approves. (Presentation byJennifer Best, EPA's Office of Water)

Webinar | Hazard Communication and Global Harmonization for Managers

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Employees have the “Right to Know” about the chemicals and materials at work that can cause illness or injury. As an employer, you must identify the hazards of chemicals used on the job, communicate these hazards to employees, and protect employees from them. The Global Harmonization System (GHS) provides an approach to classifying chemicals across regulatory agencies, making it easier for employees to understand safety information on hazardous materials.   This session covers: Basics of safe chemical use in the workplace Components of a hazard communication program Steps required for an effective hazard communication program Employer and employee responsibilities Prevention of accidents, injuries and illnesses related to chemicals  

Webinar | Zenith Vendor Discount Program – IntegrityFirst

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With business reopening, it can be difficult to find good employees.  Learn more about some of the reasons why, and what you can do to select job candidates who help your business thrive.   IntegrityFirst offers a behavioral integrity test used to help identify and prevent high-risk job applicants from being considered in the hiring process. It is a brief 8-10 minute survey applicants complete prior to an interview to help hiring managers avoid wasting time on candidates who may be engaged in high risk behaviors including drug and alcohol abuse, theft, hostility and lying.  For over 40 years IntegrityFirst has successfully helped employers identify candidates most likely to become problem employees before they are hired.   This session covers: How to access and use the screening survey tool How it has helped companies find and hire the best candidates How hiring the right employee saves time and money

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