Webinar | Setting Effective Rates For Small Systems

Webinar Only

Free Small System Operator Training for Systems Serving a Population of 10,000 Persons or Fewer During the webinar, please check the participant list to make sure your name appears.  Contact hours will only be issued to the names that appear on the participant list. This workshop is part of a special workshop series made possible through the collaboration of the American Water Works Association (AWWA), the US Department of Agriculture (USDA), and the Partnership for Safe Water. Webinar participants will learn how to assess revenue requirements, identify the community's financial priorities, and build rates that fit your situation and objectives.  All participants receive dedicated, follow-up technical assistance and helpful documents from AWWA. Agenda/Lessons Covered Session 1 - Setting Effective Rates for Small Systems Assessing Your System Your Community Priorities Identifying your core financial objectives, evaluating your customer base, and where to find information on your customers and your community Building Rates that Fit Your Situation and Objectives Session 2 - Optimization and Accessing Funding Overview of the AWWA Partnership for Safe Water Programs How to conduct a self-assessment in order to optimize your operations General Management/Administration, Finance, Asset Management, Source Water Protection and Distribution System Operations How to apply for […]

Webinar | Setting Effective Rates For Small Systems

Webinar Only

Free Small System Operator Training for Systems Serving a Population of 10,000 Persons or Fewer During the webinar, please check the participant list to make sure your name appears.  Contact hours will only be issued to the names that appear on the participant list. This workshop is part of a special workshop series made possible through the collaboration of the American Water Works Association (AWWA), the US Department of Agriculture (USDA), and the Partnership for Safe Water. Webinar participants will learn how to assess revenue requirements, identify the community’s financial priorities, and build rates that fit your situation and objectives.  All participants receive dedicated, follow-up technical assistance and helpful documents from AWWA. Agenda/Lessons Covered Session 1 – Setting Effective Rates for Small Systems Assessing Your System Your Community Priorities Identifying your core financial objectives, evaluating your customer base, and where to find information on your customers and your community Building Rates that Fit Your Situation and Objectives Session 2 – Optimization and Accessing Funding Overview of the AWWA Partnership for Safe Water Programs How to conduct a self-assessment in order to optimize your operations General Management/Administration, Finance, Asset Management, Source Water Protection and Distribution System Operations How to apply for […]

Webinar | Heat Illness Prevention [SPANISH]

Webinar Only

Las enfermedades causadas por el calor continúan siendo una seria preocupación para las empresas que tienen empleados que trabajan en ambientes al aire libre con altas temperaturas, fuentes de calor radiante, alta humedad y actividades físicas extenuantes. Las enfermedades relacionadas con el calor pueden causar graves problemas de salud y, en algunos casos, provocar la muerte.   Esta sesión cubre: Factores de riesgo de enfermedades causadas por el calor Signos y síntomas de enfermedades causadas por el calor Cómo responder a los síntomas Cómo prevenir las enfermedades causadas por el calor Importancia de la aclimatación Función y responsabilidad del supervisor en la prevención de las enfermedades causadas por el calor Elementos de un programa de prevención de enfermedades causadas por el calor Capacitación de empleados y supervisores


Webinar | California Financing Coordinating Committee 2021 Virtual Funding Fair

Webinar Only

Seeking funding for your infrastructure project? Attend a free online event and connect with federal, state and local agencies to discuss the financial and technical resources available. Agenda: Presentations | 9:00AM-12:30PM | Register below for access to the entire CFCC Funding Fair Virtual Exhibit Hall | 12:30PM-3:00PM |  Click here to sign-up early and meet with agencies of your choice Click here for flyer.  


Webinar | Operating During Public Safety Power Shut-off (PSPS)

Webinar Only

This course Operating During Public Safety Power Shut-off (PSPS) is offered two times on the same day, attendees ONLY need to register once to take this course. In an ever-changing world, water systems and communities continue to face new and unique challenges. In this presentation you will learn about California’s policies on planned rolling blackouts, and related impacts to systems. You will also learn how to plan for and manage these events and how to locate information, funding, and additional resources for preventative maintenance and improvements. Participants will learn: PSPS, who it affects, and what it means for water systems How to identify and implement alternatives to traditional power generation How to locate and utilize resources for funding improvements How to apply best practices for updating emergency information and procedures How to identify resources for continued updates and notifications


Webinar | Safe Harvest Crew Start-up [ENGLISH]

Webinar Only

Every season agriculture supervisors and foremen must ensure a successful and safe start to harvest operations. Keeping up with employee training, equipment safety and required documentation is demanding. Coordinating all aspects of setting a safe work environment without a procedure or checklist is a challenge. Learn best practices to plan, coordinate and manage all aspects of successful harvest crew start-ups.   This session covers: Valuable processes, evaluations, and documentation needed prior to beginning a new harvest season Employee training needs and how to prepare for emergencies Zenith tools and resources available to support effective crew start-up


Webinar | Operating During Public Safety Power Shut-off (PSPS)

Webinar Only

This course Operating During Public Safety Power Shut-off (PSPS) is offered two times on the same day, attendees ONLY need to register once to take this course. In an ever-changing world, water systems and communities continue to face new and unique challenges. In this presentation you will learn about California’s policies on planned rolling blackouts, and related impacts to systems. You will also learn how to plan for and manage these events and how to locate information, funding, and additional resources for preventative maintenance and improvements. Participants will learn: PSPS, who it affects, and what it means for water systems How to identify and implement alternatives to traditional power generation How to locate and utilize resources for funding improvements How to apply best practices for updating emergency information and procedures How to identify resources for continued updates and notifications


Webinar | Consumer Confidence Reporting Compliance

Webinar Only

This course Consumer Confidence Reporting Compliance is offered two times on the same day, attendees ONLY need to register once to take this course. Informing your customers annually about the sources and quality of your water became a state and federal mandate with the 1996 SDWA amendments. California regulations were updated in 2012 to allow for electronic delivery of Consumer Confidence Reports (CCRs). The exact format and language required for a CCR can be confusing to those creating the report, and to customers trying to understand it. This workshop will guide you through the process of producing a proper CCR for your water system for calendar year 2020. You will learn how to access the resources available on the DDW website, the information that must be included, and the various delivery options. Participants will learn: Where to find and download California specific CCR template and guides The required language Important dates/deadlines The methods of distribution Public relations information


Webinar | Safe Harvest Crew Start-up [SPANISH]

Webinar Only

Cada temporada, los supervisores y mayordomos deben garantizar un inicio exitoso y seguro de las operaciones de cosecha. Es exigente mantenerse al día con la capacitación de los empleados, la seguridad de los equipos y la documentación requerida. Coordinar todos los aspectos de la creación de un entorno de trabajo seguro sin un procedimiento o lista de verificación es un verdadero desafío. Aprenda las mejores prácticas para planificar, coordinar y gestionar todos los aspectos de la puesta en marcha exitosa de un equipo de cosecha.   Esta sesión cubre: Valiosos procesos, evaluaciones y documentación necesarios antes de comenzar una nueva temporada de cosecha Necesidades de capacitación de los empleados y cómo prepararse para emergencias Herramientas y recursos exclusivos de Zenith disponibles para respaldar la puesta en marcha eficaz de su cuadrilla 


Webinar | Consumer Confidence Reporting Compliance

Webinar Only

This course Consumer Confidence Reporting Compliance is offered two times on the same day, attendees ONLY need to register once to take this course. Informing your customers annually about the sources and quality of your water became a state and federal mandate with the 1996 SDWA amendments. California regulations were updated in 2012 to allow for electronic delivery of Consumer Confidence Reports (CCRs). The exact format and language required for a CCR can be confusing to those creating the report, and to customers trying to understand it. This workshop will guide you through the process of producing a proper CCR for your water system for calendar year 2020. You will learn how to access the resources available on the DDW website, the information that must be included, and the various delivery options. Participants will learn: Where to find and download California specific CCR template and guides The required language Important dates/deadlines The methods of distribution Public relations information

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